Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rasis, Nakshathras, Tamizh and the Nodes of the Moon...

Hi Mei,
The Rasi is the equivalent of the Moon Sign in western astrology, but is interpreted differently by Vedic practitioners.In their wisdom, these astrologers observed that the emotional make up of a person is a lot more accurate in helping predict that person's reactions as opposed to his/her character. Emotional reactions comprise the 'nature' of a person, and hence the emphasis on Rasi in Vedic systems. 'Natchathram' is Tamil for Nakshathram = which literally means constellation - and signifies the combination of heavenly bodies from which a person derives his/her character i.e. the thought/action pattern that is seen when that person has to make important choices in his/her life with regard to ethics, ideals, values and Karmic decisions. I'll simplify that - it is the equivalent of a 'house' in Western astrology, but is conceptually more complex, and meaningful.To put this in perspective, consider Hitler - who was a fantastic leader and statesman - he wanted a United Europe, he envisioned a cheap practical car for poor people - what we know as the Volkswagon today was his brainchild, and his use of a Vedic/Indian title 'Arya' to denote racial superiority (you have to give him points for knowing how to hypnotise a populace) ---- unfortunately, for Hitler, his emotional drive that caused him to use his skill was quite negative and anti-humane ---- he hated women, he gathered religious hatreds, and was brutal in his decisions regarding the fates of many a man, woman and child.
I don't know if this shows the difference between Character, and Emotional Drive. In the last 20 odd years, popular psychology and social groups have started catching up with the Vedic system, and are placing more importance on Emotional Intelligence (EQ?) ---but every Vedic practitioner has known this emphasis for the last couple of Yugas at least.

Dear Santhip,Rahu and Ketu are nodes of the moon. This is a concept quite alien to our Westernised education and thought process.In the Vedic system, the Moon is an entity that controls emotions, amongst other characteristics, and consists of two NODES. These Nodes, influence the person in question depending on their position. Rahu is the head of the Asura who drank the Amrtham (closest English word = divine nectar) Lord Vishnu helped churn from the bottom of the Ocean in his Avathaaram as the Great Tortoise. Anyway, so whenever Rahu, the head, or the North Node of the Moon, eclipses the Sun or other planets, Rahu causes the aspect of life ruled by THAT planet/the Sun (for that person) to be controlled by impulsive emotional reactions, and is hence considered 'bad'. Rahu personifies traits that make people liars, cheats and stands for negative speech, mlechhas, falsehood and also, strangely enough, personifies the granting of wealth, mental power, peace-making activities, manipulation, poison and fame/fortune/authority/blessings.Ketu, on the other hand, being the Southern node, signifies wealth, spiritual inclination, and many of the other characteristics that are signified by Rahu --- the difference between Rahu and Ketu is the way in which the influence makes itself seen/felt/manifested.Suffice to say that if Rahu and Ketu are emotional snapshots or states of mind, then their effects signify what THAT state of mind will attract to THAT person. Of course, these states of mind are facilitated by Rahu and Ketu.It is important to remember that all celestial bodies change peoples' states of mind, and like it or not, the Mind being the magnet it is, that person starts attracting certain circumstances/thought processes/manifestations that are best suited to that person's Karma i.e. horoscope, and decisions for a specific lifetime.

Dear Ashi,Yes, I would say that matching horoscopes is a great idea to begin a relationship - be it formal marriage or a relationship based on sexual attraction (oh come on!! there's no other kind in most cases). It must be remembered, however, that interpretation is of prime importance. Unless the interpreter/practitioner takes into account the entirety of the horoscope, the 'matching' will not be complete or sensible.

Dear Rohit,I do apologise for the long delay, and will explain in my next post. I've been through some very trying and scary times recently.

Dear Vijay Reddy,
It is an honor and a pleasure to present ancient wisdom to Seekers of Knowledge like yourself.

Dear Rohit,The lobby of Tamizhs who argue that Tamizh is older than Smskrth are essentially those who subscribe to the theory of Aryan Invasion as propagated by idiots like Michael Witzel. Misguided historians like Witzel and Marija Gimbutas, depend on theories of how languages develop and evolve to trace the origin of a language or a civilization.According to their version of life, Smskrith comes from certain parts of Europe from where people migrated to Greece, Iran and India.We, knowing our history and knowing that Smskrth is not a language developed by human beings, have a more accurate idea of our history.Neither Witzel nor Gimbutas can base their theories on any actual evidence, and instead rely on Gimbutas' ideas on how languages evolve and how to track the origin of a language etc.Shrikanth Talageri is a famous Indian scholar who turned down an opportunity to study at Harvard with Indology 'scholars' and change his perspective on the history of the subcontinent.Talageri ripped apart Witzel's criticism, and has time and again revealed Witzel to be the fraud he is.Anyway, there never was any invasion - and you're best off doing your own research on this. you'll notice that every historian who presumes there was an invasion and that Vedic culture was NOT native to Bhaaratha has no proof nor any reason to think so. Or maybe perhaps there is a reason - all these historians are of European origin, and would do anything to prove that there was no civilization before the Europeans. LOL.
Tamizh was the language of poets and literary scholars in the Dravidian South of Bhaaratha. It is an ancient language that was adopted by AgasthyarMuni when he crossed over to the South.Tamizh, a beautiful language as it is, and my native tongue, is NOT older than Smskrth. Smskrth was given to us when Lord Brahma settled Vywaswatha-Manu in Bhaaratha at the beginning of this Manvanthara.The Dravidas were one of the great tribes of Bhaaratha. And their language was Telenge. Originally, Tamizh and Telenge were merely different dialects, but then evolved into different languages.Kannada was another dialect that developed into another language as Udupi turned into a cultural gem.Smskrth, on the other hand, has always existed as a singular language. You cannot add new words to Smskrth - though 'modern' scholars tend to experiment.I guess to truly satisfy yourself, I'd recommend some study at the Sree Sankaracharya University at Kalady KL.
When a lot of people realize that Dravidas (the ancient residents of KA, KL, TN and AP), and Pahlavis (the ancient residents of Pars (modern Iran)) are equal in their cultural stance as Bhaarathas - and that there never was any invasion, and that Samsrkth truly belongs to all of us --- all the way to Bali - the Indonesian Island that was bombed for still being Hindu, then perhaps we will stop fighting about what the oldest language really is...and get on with the business of being Manushyas...I hope this helps.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Rohit,

    I am moved deeply by that Manthra you put in. It is indeed my good fortune that Bhaarathas with the good vibes are still around.

    Thank you - from the bottom of my heart.

    The Cheenas (that's Smskrth) were once Bharathas until they moved further north-east of Indraprastha --- more north than east, I think. Just like the Pahlavas moved west to modern Afghanistan/Iran/Iraq, and the Yavanas moved further west to the mediterranean - Macedonia, Greece etc.

    Many lived like Mlecchas, but many continued in the Vedic Tradition - in Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia (where the largest Hindu temple exists even today at Angkor Vat-google it), in Malaysia (where even today, the Muslim Government is busy destroying ancient Hindu Temples), across Indonesia (where Bali-the Hindu island was bombed by Muslims some years ago).

    This reflects in the 'traditional' wisdom and medicinal systems in all these areas.

    And yes, Bali is still a Hindu island, and they're lovely people - the name is from the Ramayana- actually most of the Indonesian archipelago has Vedic names.

    As for the blog you sent me, it's magnificent. didn't have time to read it all, but whatever I read is valid.

    remember, the Truth survives, even in English :o)

  3. By the bye, the Chinese are NOT buddhists, only the Tibetans.

    The Chinese merely follow tradition, rather than any superstition...

  4. Dear Elfie,
    Thanks for the reply. I pray for the safety of you and your lady.You have been fearless and have had to pay a price for that fearlessness.As much as I wish for your safety,I wish that you continue to remain fearless despite all odds.
    Best Regards

  5. Dear Elfie,
    I am not sure whether my previous message went through.I pray for the safety of you and your lady. But as much as I hope that you come out unscathed, I also wish that you continue to remain fearless.

  6. Dear Elfie,
    I am not sure whether my previous message went through.I pray for the safety of you and your lady. But as much as I hope that you come out unscathed, I also wish that you continue to remain fearless.

  7. Dear Ashi,

    I saw this message months after you'd put it here.

    Somehow, I've survived, and am back in Oz now.

    I thank you for your wishes and goodwill. With Eashwaran's guidance, I and my family have made it safely back to Oz.

    Warmest regards,

  8. hi elfie,
    This is my first reply to you..I have been reading your comments and posts in ur n other blogs aswell which are all interesting and i agree with all of them except the fact that you are so sure about Tamil'S not older than sanskrit(samskrith). The reason is for a so called intellectual conversations,we seek evidence for everything and based on that factor especially you mentioned about brahmas who gave sanskrit.My question is, how are we suppose to see these brahmas n deva's up in so called heaven..are they considered as god's or are they enlightened beings or are they very intelligent men or women?? as a seeker( assuming you are aswell)and we take different paths to find the ultimate truth, A yogi or people in a spiritual path like me( Iam just a beginner)we see shiva as the first yogi and we all know agasthya muni came down south to spread the different dimensions of life.as you said tamil came from agasthya muni then can we consider that as a logical evidence that shiva used sanskrit or some language to communicate up in kailash or what was the way of communication at that time in south india( dravidans).Iam quiet struggling to make up my mind even if i want to assume in either ways(from your point of view or from a yogic cultural point of view).Based on evidences for example( puranaanooru and all tamil literatures)Tamil is the oldest spoken language till date.May be other languages from older civilizations are gone due to various reasons.There could be many languages older than tamil and sanskrit obviously..Not everyone has the identity as human being..people have different identity to identify themselves in a stupid way we can say(example race,country,religion,language etc)so to conclude certain elements of our existence we need a better evidence or a better explanation to convince people (which may not be the need here)but atleast for people like me to accept certain facts its just not enough and it will never be enough considering its your point of view rather than taking it as the truth..I tried my best to explain what iam trying to say..before you reply (if you do !!)and correct my english typing skills, I just want to know the truth (atleast convincingly true..Please don't think iam picking on something which might not even be worth talking about..I just want to include the way i see aswell..thanks

  9. HI Ezhil,

    I have been away for a while now due to pressing circumstances - my apologies.

    If I said that most of the sentiment about Thamizh being older than Smskrth, or just as old, comes as a reaction to a superiority complex held by many 'north' Indians because they think they are 'Aryan' and Thamizhs are 'Dravidas', would I be wrong?

    There never was any invasion, and 'Arya' is not a race - never was, never will be. Arya, like Pillai, or Thaevar, or Khan or Sharma, was and is a title.

    To date there has not been any evidence of such an invasion, and the only proponents of the 'Aryan Invasion' theory are those with vested interests and of course, Mr Michael Witzel of Harvard University who repeatedly tries to bribe anyone who writes about the truth with a USA visa and scholarship.

    Thamizh is a beautiful language, and even today, many nations bear marks of their Thamizh heritage from thousands of years ago e.g. Singapore = Singha Pura, the City of Lions.

    The Thamizh kings were great rulers, economists and statesmen.

    Your emotion is well received - and justified - I am sick of hearing some 'north' Indians trying to sound like they have blue blood.

    One must remember that even Shri Agasthya Muni chose Thamizh as his preferred mode of communication because it is a great language, and also because he realized that when Smskrth texts would be destroyed in the Kali Yuga, Thamizh would survive...

    To put it in a technical spin, Smskrth is the language with which the operating system of the universe is written.

    However, Thamizh/Thelengu/Kannada are equally significant as the universe has chosen these languages to save ancient knowledge and sayings.

    The Nadi practitioners in many ancient cities (Dharmapuri?) are evidence of this.

    One must also note that Agasthya Muni's Thamizh was vastly different from 'modern' Thamizh.

    Thamizh is about 32,000 years old in origin.

    Smskrth, however, dates back to the highest cycle of time where the manifestation of Shri ArdhaNareeshwaran - after the 'Om'.

    The first syllable uttered by The Being was in Smskrth.

    I understand where your need for evidence comes from - but then, this blog is not about evidence, but about ideas and discussion.

    Feel free to criticise my views/opinions - I will be happier because what I see is a Bhaaratha yearning for Sathyam :-)
