Sunday, February 8, 2009

Welcome to The Truth

This blog has been put up in order that those who wish to discuss topics originating at

Thank you.


  1. Hi Elfie..
    Wondering why my comment hasnt appeared yet..?
    - Rajiv

  2. I guess some goof up at my end. My comment again - Well, good initiation. Hope to see like-minded folks who are interested in healthy discussion and knowledge sharing here.

    Some questions I have in mind.. you have almost ridiculed Buddhism in your reply to me. I was surprised - I thought of all religions thats a pretty sane religion :P, though I dont believe in religions. Can I know few precise reasons on why you calling it as a religion that stemmed from a misguided guy.

    And can you answer Kirans(who posted on Pankajs blog) questions on Aghoris -

    1. Are they are capable of stopping the soul to take re-birth and thus it attains Moksha.
    2. They can differentiate good and bad people looking at their faces and they can not tolerate bad people.
    3. They remain drugged all the time.

    Thanks for ur reply,

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hi OpenRajiv,

    I ridicule any religion.

    Siddhartha abandoned his family, ignored his duties as a king and claimed to have achieved Moksha in the Kali Yuga.

    In the Kali Yuga, by definition, he cannot attain Nirvana, Moksha or be a Jivan-Muktha.

    The primary eight-fold path he describes is incomplete - he mentions right thought, right action etc.

    He does not define what a 'right thought' is.

    Truth is a concept. By definition, Truth cannot be 93% Truth or 99.99% Truth. It must be 100%. Else it's only a partial-truth, which again, by definition is an Untruth.

    Gautama merely misled many hopefuls, and his message of 'peace' is attractive only when you compare it with the macabre history of crusade, genocide and conversions that Adamic religions have brought forth.

  5. Hi Neo,

    "was just curious about your knowledge"

    Great...curiosity is a wonderful start to any exploration :)

    "I have never come across any particular mathematics that is used in quantum physics that's mentioned in Vedas."

    Well, you have never laid hands on The Veda, so that's only natural. The Veda, in its original written form (by Veda Vyasa), exists only in 3 places on earth. One good place to try and access it is Vaideeshwaram, TN.

    Descriptions of The Veda existing as 4 separate texts is merely the result of many Non-Samskrth speakers trying to translate concepts that they cannot fathom.

    These written versions are, however, not considered contextual or descriptive by many Brahmins. Of the few families where Vedic knowledge survives, the knowledge itself is communicated mind-to-mind.

    So-called epics such as the Mahabhaaratha are originally a part of The Veda.

    "If you can give an example or reference it will be great."

    The chronological example of the Vedic narration of how the Himalays came about is a good example.

    For reference, there are no 'published' texts on the matter. You will have to try your luck at various sites owned and protected by families across what is now known as India.

    These texts are not allowed to be published, and escaped destruction all these years thanks to the ingenuity of and commitment made by families dating from the last Yuga.

    I'm sorry, but if you're meant to read such texts, you will know. If you're not, you won't.

    Other than publicly known locations such as Vaideeshwaram, I cannot reveal any others.

    However, I may add that Knowledge exists for those who seek it. Your desire for Truth has brought you a long way.

    Vedic proof, should you ever come across it, you will notice, is usually chronological and times are depicted by the actual positions of celestial bodies mathematically denoted (as in the example of the Himalayas).

    "I can cite references if needed."

    I do not perceive you as a liar.

    "until you can prove them they are just believes"

    Here's a hypothetical question that may clarify the meaning of the word proof.

    We have two blind men, for convenience's sake let's call them Jesus and Allah.

    Both Jesus and Allah can hear, touch, smell and taste. They realize that while they can use commonly accepted adjectives and nouns to describe what they taste, smell, touch or hear, the actual experience of Sound, Taste, Touch or Scent is unique to the person experiencing it.

    There is virtually no way to communicate it.

    Now that we have established levels of perception as perceived by Jesus and Allah, let us consider a situation.

    A person enabled with the gift of sight, say Neo, happens to wander by Jesus & Allah.

    Allah asks Neo to select a suitable combination of clothes for him, as he cannot see which set of clothing is aesthetically appealing to a beholder. He realizes that he cannot grasp the concept of vision, but as Neo can, Neo is probably a good judge of what clothes would look good. Allah just wants to look good to others, though he cannot see himself or others.

    Likewise, Jesus follows suit.

    Now, Neo selects good outfits for both of them.

    But then, Jesus asks Neo to explain Neo's choice of colors for their clothes.

    You must remember that Jesus has no real idea of what color is- he cannot see - but he has heard what others say about it, or in other words, believes what others say about colors.

    How would Neo explain how colors match, and how he made his choices for Jesus' and Allah's clothing?

    Perhaps he might start with "well, navy blue does not go well with black" but then, Neo already knows that there is no way to explain Navy Blue or Black to Jesus.

    I am curious to see what your solution to Neo's problem is...

    ::End of Hypothesis

    Experience is Subjective, Neo. It cannot be put in words. Can you convey the exact feeling you had when you solved your first differential equation?

    Elation? Joy? Satisfaction?

    All those are words. Can you actually transfer that feeling to someone else and make them 'feel' it so that they have absolutely no doubt as to how you felt?

    Truth is at best an absolute experience of your true self - the experience cannot be adequately worded. At worst, it's rhetoric overused by lawyers, politicians and PR specialists alike.

    I do not ask anyone to believe anything I say. All I put down here and elsewhere is merely part of a discussion.

    One must seek the Truth by oneself. No one can do it for you, or tell you how it feels.

    "Further, you ... have abandoned logic(or at least the thought process of using it), the very system that spawns the existence of the word truth and its meaning. Why? - and more importantly How?"

    Truth exists outside the System. Truth is the Absolute Being whose awakening starts the creation of the system. It's meaning can only be experienced.

    Why? Find an answer to the hypothesis presented earlier, and you'll 'know'.

    How? Hmmm. Unless you understand the 'why', it's not feasible to delve into the 'how'.

    We are absolute 'bits' of the Absolute Being, and cannot experience our absolute nature thanks to Maya.

    There is an entire part of the Veda dedicated to Maya, or illusion. Parts of Quantum Mechanics/Physics such as signified by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle fall in this 'chapter'.

    For instance, you know that electrons make a 'quantum leap' into other orbitals. Heisenberg's principle (simplified) suggests that it is impossible to predict the exact location of an electron in its orbital or during the 'quantum leap'.

    The same electron has been photographed as being in two orbitals at the same time. Why? How?

    Orbital shapes, structures, quantum leaps and their relationships with the internal structure of Matter are discussed in a Vedic text known as Thatchu-Shaasthram. You will not find authentic the text anywhere except in some family troves across India. I found the same text in two different locations.

    The same texts also describe how you cannot actually touch anything - because the electrons in your skin and the electrons of the object you're touching create a field of electromagnetic repulsion - and the surfaces molecules do NOT actually mesh with each other.

    In other words, we do not actually touch the floor with our feet, our partner with our hands or even our own body with our hands.

    However perception tells us we do.

    In the Vedic texts, the equations are in a format/convention I have not seen elsewhere.

    Enough of the similarities between modern Quantum Physics and The Veda.

    Quantum Physics squarely puts the responsibility for everything that happens, will happen or has happened in the hands of the perceiver/observer.

    In one word, the Veda describes this as Karma. And no, Karma is simply not about Newton's third law...

    It goes so far as to question the existence of the Observed without the appearance of the Observer.

    In one word, the Veda describes this as Maya. And as I said, the concept of Maya itself spans many a vast chapter.

    "...some circular logic meaning nothing in essence..."

    I couldn't describe the entire universe, the multiverse, or all of creation (Maya) any better.

    It is 'nothing' or Un-Real in nature - as is your body or your mind. You, I etc, are the only REAL things that exist.

    You see, Neo, your curiousity brought you here. From thereon, your analytical skills took over, and you put to task your understanding of various disciplines that constitut modern science.

    I did the same many many years ago. However, as I mentioned, I am unable to transfer my experience of Truth, or my-SELF with you. Because your levels of perception limit it - much like a blind man cannot experience color or vision or the beauty of a sunset.

    several decades ago, Cleve Backster created a quickly hushed-up controversy in the scientific community when he empirically and quantitatively proved that plants communicate telepathically. He did two things - he proved that telepathy is not a myth, and that plants do it all the time.

    People who can see Auras and perceive electromagnetic clouds of 'thought' do not have a brain physically different from yours or mine. However, it does take Kirlian cameras or other technologies to prove that what they perceive exists.

    I do not encourage anyone in any of these discussions to take what I say, or what anyone says for granted. Go out there - try it out - for your own experience is the only Truth you can perceive.

    Everything else is a belief, a superstition, an assumption.

    If anyone in any of these discussions has been inspired to seek the Truth, and not to 'believe' what I say, you say, or anyone or any book says, then that person has fitted the definition of Man.

    Definition of Man: Man - Etymology: Manushya (Samskrth) -- Def. The Being that uses its mind

    Let me clarify: when it's mating season, dogs have to mate, flowers have to bloom in spring, sharks must feed when they are hungry.

    Humans can break such mental-cycles or waves of 'feeling'. Humans are the only beings that can jump the seven in-between states to Eashwara-level of consciousness - not Rishis, not Devas, not Yakshas.

    Oh, and if you really do intend to live up to your intention of 'accessing' The Veda, Aadi Shankaracharya's Ashramam in Kaaladi, KL would be a good start. If you make contacts there, they may lead you to texts that have survived in written form for more than 6500 years (i.e. from the previous Yuga.)

    I'm presuming that having read Vedic literature on prior occasion, be it a vague translation or an authentic Samsrkth text, you are familiar with massive concepts such as that of a Yuga, or Maya.

    Good luck, and thank you for your curiousity.

  6. Hi OpenRajiv,

    In answer to your/Kiran's questions:

    1. Are they are capable of stopping the soul to take re-birth and thus it attains Moksha.

    In the Kali Yuga, no Human Being, be he an Aghori, a Mlechha, a Brahmana or a Vaishya, can attain Moksha. Such is the definition of the Kali Yuga.

    Release from the cycle of birth-rebirth is possible only Karmically. The Karmic nature of this Yuga, and the people born in it inhibit such release, unfortunately.

    2. They can differentiate good and bad people looking at their faces and they can not tolerate bad people.

    Aghoris are remarkably sensitive to vibrations and auras. They 'see' feelings and can 'hear' Auric colors, as their levels of perception have been altered by various practices and methods.

    their definition of good and bad may be very very different from mine or yours or The Vedas'.

    3. They remain drugged all the time.

    Oh cah If they had money for that many drugs, they're more likely to be a Columbian drug-runner's companion or an Italian drug-lord's companion in Melbourne.


    on a more serious note, their levels of consciousness are more due to ascetic practices than from drugs. Their levels of perception are very different from that of most other humans.

    Being beings of social contradiction in their quest to prove that all creation is the same (- whether beautiful, ugly, ghastly or endearing, it's all Maya, and means nothing to them) they tend to use legal drugs such as alcohol or nicotine to prove that they cannot be swayed.

    Many also use any drug that falls their way to prove that it cannot alter their perception.

    I'm cannot endorse that this is such a good practice, but then, as I've suggested before, the only TRUE way of KNOWING is to practice as an Aghori.

    Else, we're all stuck with having to believe second-hand gossip.

    In case it helps you with your questions, though, I can tell you that I have seen an Aghori levitate as he spoke to me, and no, I was not on any drugs.

    Oh, and you don't have to 'believe' this or anything I say.

    As a matter of fact, I'd say, never believe ANYTHING. You do need to make certain assumptions for everyday living, but don't assume when it comes to concepts that define your path in life - go forth and try to experience them for yourself.

    this is merely a discussion, and an exchange of experiences in a verbal manner.

    I'm not a 'Guru', a Yogi or a religious teacher. As a matter of fact, I abhor religion.

    I am merely a Jignasu from Bhaaratha (seeker of Truth), and am always happy to share my experiences.

  7. A Note on Terrorism:

    Here, in Oz, kilometers from where I stay in VIC, Bush-fires have wiped out entire towns.

    It is sad and painful to hear that a fellow-Australian deliberately started the blaze.

    Kevin (yeah, in Oz that's what we call the PM!) says that the person(s) is/are akin to mass murderers of yore. Possibly akin to the first settlers who wiped out Aborigines here, or to the Europeans who wiped out native Americans...

    I feel it's terrorism... why do they propagate it? Terrorism is independent of religion, geography or 'beliefs'. It's simply a diseased state of mind that seeks to exemplify power in the hands of The Terrorist.

    The Islamic Extremists who killed innocent tourists and by-standers in Mumbai a few months ago were refugees who had come to India from Bangladesh and Pakistan (?!) These were people given refuge by a secular nation, provided with a place to live, education, food, shelter and opportunity...

    Why did they do it?

    More than sixty years ago, M K Gandhi (who converted to Islam as per classified records de-classified about 30 years ago, available in London, UK) ripped the foundation of a nation when he urged traditional Indians NOT to defend themselves when Islamic extremists raped, killed, plundered and voraciously destroyed everything that was non-Islamic in their 'support' for the Khilafat movement in Turkey and Iran.

    His work has been continued by other secret muslims such as J Nehru and I Gandhi. Today, the nation stands on the brink of self-immolation as strings are pulled by an Italian, and every major news channel or newspaper is controlled by either an Islamic power group, or funded by Christian fundementalist groups.

    In South Africa, where I'm from, the British, the Portuguese and most importantly, The Dutch, created enough religion to kill thousands. N Mandela has laid the foundation for various tribes to fight amongst each other and together with the white politicians and missionaries, he has laid the foundation for destruction in modern South Africa.

    Of course, it's not even interesting that America's War on Terrorism did not surface when the Boers were raping South Africa, or when the Portuguese mowed down the natives in the Rand. No world war ever cared about how many Asians and Africans were being treated worse than any Jew in the much publicized Holocaust. After all, the Holocaust justifies terrorism by Israel, and the nuclear war on Japan back then - somehow, rather than the fact that many European Churches backed Hitler back then, it's Japanese patriotism that's being marketed as a target... and no, I'm not saying that the Japanese were humanitarians - far from. But no innocent city of civilians deserved to be nuked...!

    Decades later, Islamic rage continues. Centuries later, Christian rage continues (the second world war was a war on non-christians - who in Europe, mostly consisted of Jews, Freemasons and athiests. Japan was bombed because it was a non-christian country - though American historians twist the truth.)

    Thousands of years after its inception, Judaic rage continues - as we see Palestine ripped to shreds by barbaric Jews.

    Don't get me wrong - all Jews are not evil, all Christians are not evil, and all Islamics are not evil. However, all these religions are used as psycho-social tools to program humans to kill their fellow humans for the most ridiculous reasons (Muslims: Kill the Kafirs, Christians: Kill the Heretics, Jews: Kill the Blasphemers).

    Perhaps we should stand back and think about the damage religion has done before we condemn humans in general. It's easy to fool a general populace, as any American can prove (they think G W Bush was a great man!!), or as most politicians can prove.

    By definition, 'God' should not be imposing any conditions or practices on those wishing to contact him/her. It just doesn't make sense that there should be anything in-between yourself and The Supreme Being.

    By definition, a Supreme Being does not need an intermediary to communicate with Human Beings.

    Think about it. You don't need to practice Atheism to realize that organized religion is little more than pure, unadultrated bullshit.

    In Indonesia and Malaysia, peaceful natives were butchered and 'converted' by extremist Islam groups a long time ago. Bali, which resisted conversion, has been the target of several Islamic extremist attacks. The same Islamic attack has happened in places as diverse as Afghanistan, Malta, Iran and Morocco over the last 500 years.

    Christians decimated entire populations in Polynesia, Australia, Canada and the US hundreds of years ago. Great civilizations in South America were mowed down with bullets and entire civilizations were destroyed by the Europeans. In the US, blacks were being killed for 'fun' as recently as 1965.

    Long before this, the Jews commited genocide on populations that were non-judaic - all over the Middle-East of Asia, the Subcontinent and Northern Africa.

    Be free of hatred -Denounce any set of 'beliefs' or superstitions that insist that only those who are brainwashed enough to practice the superstition are 'good' - be the superstition based on jesus, allah, buddha or jehovah.

    Peace and happiness come from within, not from a book, or from a politician.

    Of course, this is my humble opinion. I look forward to hearing others' views...not on my comments, but on various deplorable acts of genocide, terrorism and so on.

    Many cheers everyone...

  8. Hi Elfie,

    Interesting note on religion, and how it's used to propagate terrorism.

    Yes, it's sad that entire societies can be brainwashed with such poppycock.

    And yes, I see what you mean by saying that terrorism is a diseased state of mind.

    Religions and false propaganda are indeed tools that strengthen such diseases.

    For example, take Iran. The word Iran actually means 'Land of Aryans'...Okay, I'll wait till you all stop laughing before I continue...

    As we all know, the version of history where there was a so-called 'Aryan Invasion' in Bhaaratha (Modern India + Modern Pakistan + Modern Bangladesh + Modern Nepal + Modern Tibet and parts of Afghanistan) was propagated by the bastard Nehru, true to his Islamic origins.

    There never was such an invasion. Samskrth is a Bhaarathic language. No outsider created it. It has been part of our land and culture from time immemorial.

    The word 'Arya' is a title, like 'Thevar' or 'Sharma' or 'Pillai' or 'Nambiar' --- and this title was used to address a specific kind of person involved in Governance and Kingdom Management.

    The Veda quotes the use of such titles from two Yugas ago, which would be more than 25,000 years by the gregorian calendar.

    However, the Germans were told that THEY were 'Aryans', and were descended from 'Aryan' tribes from Asia Minor (Turkey, Iran/Iraq) and had evolved into superior Aryans because they had blue eyes and blonde hair. lol. Good ol' Hitler was very very smart. He definitely knew a thing or two about nation building.

    This bit of brainwashing today continues in Bhaaratha - fair skinned people look down upon those with darker skin.

    This happens with many cultures - you'll see the same practice in Iran, throughout Arabia, as far as Egypt and Morocco.

    If any Bhaarathas, or (bloody?) Indians are reading this, I'd like to point out that one of our Avathaars, Sri Krishna, was very very dark, as described in The Veda.

    The very word 'Krishna' means dark/black.

    In The Veda, a Mlechha (filthy one) is described as being a genetic mutant with little or no pigmentation i. e. white-ish skin and lightly colored eyes.

    In modern Bhaaratha or India, the Movie Industry is controlled by Parsi, Muslim and Christian entities alike.

    Shah Rukh Khan (a pure persian name) is a famous actor here, and starred in a ridiculous movie called 'Aryan' some time ago.

    It's sad to see the propagation of negative Archetypes in my land.

    It's sadder to see that the general populace laps up this rubbish with glee and gusto.

  9. Dear Achuthan Nambiar,

    A fair bit of history there. And for a change, it's what really happened...

    Such is the definition of the Kali Yuga, my friend.

    Humans shall be led away from their real nature, shall bask in lies, and shall be fooled by the powerful being known as Kali.

  10. eLFie, do you know who you are?

  11. Perfect....

    Truth is a feeling... it is blissful(closest word i can get for the feeling)....

    It is great that people are seeking the truth...
    this is the first step, and u would reach a place(if u seek for long enuf) where u will just know... you will not ask for proof... you just know...

    i can't explain how.. but it is that way...
    good explanation for Arya purush.... Aryavartha has been corrupted....

  12. Beauty? Ugliness? Think for a moment before you spout rubbish.

    The Vedic is not prone to 'belief'. Belief, by definition, can be superstition (okay, don't take my word for it. Check up Merriam-Webster).

    The Vedic, or Bhaaratha - is a Jignasu (Trans: Seeker of knowledge). The simplest way to put this is that if you know, you do not have to believe.

    Still don't get it? Okay...A blind man CANNOT conceptually understand 'color' because he's never experienced sight. Hence, he does not KNOW what color is. He relies on BELIEVING his companion's description of the concept.

    That is the difference between The Vedic, and the superstitiously inclined (Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Bahais et al).

    PunterPandey, Mystic, Anonymous1, Caterpilar and all the others - your concepts of Good, Bad, Ugly, Heaven, Hell, Earth, Creation, War, Peace, Your SELF etc. are based on something your parents told you, you read in a book (Bible=Biblos is Greek for 'book') or saw in a movie.

    The Vedic, whatever path he chooses, is guided by his own inclination for Knowledge - this is not about silly things like Immortality (we're immortal by Vedic Definition, anyway - and must dwell in illusion-ary bodies as per our Karma) or powers over the Elements or Creation.

    The objective is to FREE oneself (Jeevathma)from the bondage of birth and rebirth - in other words, Moksha - re-unite with the supreme self(Paramaathma).

    The Aghori does not practice racism, he doesn't want to attack Iraq or even mispronounce its name, he doesn't want to destroy the Jews, Muslims or the Christians or avenge the havoc these religions have wreaked on the world (yeah, go read some history, peaceful people). All he's trying to do is do something which he understands, and none of you do, without bothering anyone.
    Did he knock someone senseless and eat them (like a German did some time ago- it was in the news)? Did he ask anyone's help? Did he even tell you to follow his word like the Missionaries or the Imams usually do?

    Did he kill the whales and dolphins for lunch like the Japanese do? Did he slaughter calves, cows or other mammals to make money of them and to eat them up? Did he commit Genocide like the Spanish, the Dutch, the Americans, the British or the Portuguese?

    No. Unfortunately for the poor guy, what he does disgusts your otherwise clean world.

    Now, if you must still follow your socio-religious conditioning and bitch about him, be my guest.

    Each to his own level of awareness. Such is the view of a Bhaaratha.

    Anonymous2, you're thinking in terms of Karma...interesting. Karma's not as simple as Newton's 3rd Law. It's quite a vast concept. I'd welcome a discussion of the topic at your discretion :o) .

    Actually, how many of you know that The Veda defined Gravity mathematically thousands of years ago (Vedic knowledge was passed on from mind to mind till about 5000 years ago)? Finally, about a couple of thousand years ago, Aryabhatta documented this information.

    Many cheers, everyone.

  13. Dear Nair,

    Yes I do. Unfortunately, that does not help anyone else...

    Hence, I seek to kindle the fire of "Who am I?!!?" in people...a discussion is a great way to fan the embers of Truth that lie within every Manushya, even in this Kali Yuga. Answers can only come from within...

    Dear Pankaj Kumar Yadav,'re a breath of fresh air, my friend. It's good to breathe.

  14. I am just overwellmed with the knowledge of these discussions and info available. I now know the importance of guru, who can answer your questions with out any more questions left in now makes sence to how Sri Sri Ravi Shankar answers to most of his followers questions in a subtle way.
    I am seeker of knowledge and hence commenting on this page.
    I am just glad I found this blog.

  15. Dear Elfie,
    Whether or not you accept it, I have secretly considered you as my Guru, who guides one to seek the Truth and disseminates only True knowledge. I have gained so much knowledge by going through this discussions. Your vast knowledge on Vedic and other topics is possible only because you have acquired knowledge yourself rather than just believing in what you read, heard or seen in the media etc. Although, I have read quite a few of the religious books and listened to various discourses, I must admit that, some of the facts you have revealed about Veda, and about our political leaders, such as Gandhi, Nehru, are quite an eye-opener.
    The problem is, these are secret texts or are kept in such archives where the general public has no access to. IMHO, unless these true knowledge is spread in the public domain as they are, it will always be met with incredulity or downright rejection.
    I fervently hope, someone, whoever has access to such documents, even if it's a bit illegal, publish them in the Net as facsimile copy of the original. I am sure it will then spread around the globe, and eventually, the polical class may come under pressure to acknowledge the facts as true knowledge.
    I am 100% sure, the 99.999....% of Indians can never come to know the facts that you have sourced from archives or secret places about Gandhi, Nehru being Muslims or the knowledge contained in the Vedas, unless this knowledge is published in the public domain, such as Net, as facsimile copy of the originals, without, of course compromising the secret source.
    I just feel the gullible Bhaarathas, have the birth right to know the facts.

    Warm Regards

  16. dear elfie,
    i'm a seeker of knowledge and i appreciate a lot of your arguments wholeheartedly, and on the aghori view , a lot of people live their liveselves in that way, in bharatha people have adopted a way of life according to scriptures, real vedas have been lost in time what we find is manifestation/'s and i've read people of aghori tradition being burnt alive just that they live and do rituals in a cremation ground ,the only place they are active is in and around kasi and in himalayas bordering nepal/kulu/uttarakhand. not everybody in initiation is blessed and we find a element of misuse, but outstanders do outstand in merit and as per siddis ( in aghors no sidda is permitted to use his siddi unless commanded by guru/shiva, as per rituals partaking human flesh is just another tantrik ritual for a aghori yogi, tantra if understood properly and practiced(only under able and sidda guru) do give adequeate returns or you are doomed with even death, its knowing or it's ritualistic knowing doesn't help any body. you have to experience it first hand be it fear, love hate and other human emotions or its dasa gunas(10 qualities/nature) or its substitutes and also experience the five elements in variation and meditative sight and feel them. a aghori has only shiv to guide him in need, his resilence is tested everywhere, for people who feeled repealed, he is tortured, for a person who follows saatvic features he is an untouchable, for a poor person he is god because aghora have never left a hunger person behind them or a sick/mentally retarded person behind they at their peril use thier gained siddis to help poor people irrespective of caste/religion,even angrez people have documented, how a aghor took care of leprousy people and medicated and cured them to every body astonishment. ... Its only perception
    a conditioned person be of any faith has always hurt humanity, and a aghori is above humanity, for him nothing is base or filth as every matter is in it self a creation of god.

    har har maha dev
    har har maha dev
    har har maha dev

    har har maha dev

    a shiva bhakta
    the kasturay

  17. Dear Sharath

    I am humbled by your comments, and yet am glad that you're handling this better than many I've seen.

    It is sad, as it is true, that such ignorance is rampant in Bhaaratha.

    That said, I do not deserve the title of 'Guru'.

    As a matter of fact, I'm considering a post on the nature of a Guru, so as to ensure that Seekers are better prepared for their quest.

    I'm no Guru, and am not worthy of that title. It is an honor to be someone's Guru, and I'm not worthy of that honor.

    It is kind of you to think of me as one, although I must say that such an approach may not be the best.

    Here's wishing you the best in your quest...

  18. Dear Shiva Bhaktha / The Kasturay,

    I'm humbled that you've chosen my blog to sprinkle nuggets of your experience.

    I hope you see this message and return.

    Indeed, those who are detached from Leela and Maya are a class apart from the rest of humanity.

    Most commentators on this blog have the highest consideration and respect for such Illuminati.

  19. I am the happiest person today, that i have come across such an outstanding set of people who discuss about the subject which i was searching for so many answers..being an Hindu, i often answerless in front of many non Hindu people who criticize and humiliate our unmatchable culture and practices.. thanks a zillion to all especially to eLfie the "One"
