Saturday, March 7, 2009

Varna : The Caste System misinterpreted by the British, and the Nehru/Gandhi infected Indian Education System - Where does it come from?!

This is in response to a question posed by Santhip, in a comment on another post.

This bit actually comes from the section of the Veda dealing with society and people, of which, The Mahabhaaratha is but a small part.

Incidentally, it might interest you that The Mahabhaaratha is also a record of the 10,000 basic characteristics of human beings. Every human being is a combination of thousands of these base factors…

The idea of portraying facts through parables, or real-life examples has long been used in Vedic literature. For instance, the ‘fable’ about Tharakasura is actually a record of a cosmic body, a comet, on its path of direct collision with Bhoomi Devi (The Earth?). Let me clarify that. A-Sura is a term for a being that is NOT-Sura. Sura
meaning ‘enlightened’ or ‘aware’ or even ‘conscious’. So, Thara (Light-emitting cosmic body/Star/Comet)-Ka (Son of)-A (not)-Sura (Enlightened/Good) was actually a cosmic body/being that went against the Principle of The Universe. Ultimately, it fell to one of the entities (Lord Shiva)of the Universal Governance Mechanism to ensure that this ‘Thara’ drunk with power (the purana depicts how the entity received special powers via Lord Brahma) did not destroy the fabric of the Universe.

It is in a similar way, with details such as the exact time (depicted by the positions of heavenly bodies that follow strict mathematical patterns) that the creation of the Himalayas as they're thrown up from under the oceans is described. The time-scale (70 million years ago) matches geological data proved by 'modern' science.

To really appreciate the detail of the narration, one must be adept at Samskrth – the precision of expression in that perfect language is absolute pleasure! Those who don’t know Samskrth are apt to misinterpret it based on Kali-marketed archetypes and concepts - No, I'm not telling anyone here to go and learn Samskrth- I'm merley appreciating the beauty and inherently disambiguous nature of the's so hard to express in Hindi, English, Farsi, Tamizh or any other language concepts originally described in Samskrth, but I'm going to try.

I have seen hundreds of writings where Vidhya is translated as knowledge. Actually, Vidhya is Skill, and Gnyaanam is Knowledge. And these are very different concepts in Samskrth…

Why am I harping on about concepts? Because the answer to your question, Santhip, is a concept…

Like it or not, not everyone is born equal. That said, no one is more fortunate or less fortunate than the other. As humans, we merely tend to perceive it as such. The differences are merely Karmic. By design, and by default, we are all immortal beings, part of the Absolute Being – ||Eashwara:||

Hmmm…if we’re all parts of 1 Absolute being, then how come the population keeps going UP?!?! Eh? Aaahh, Brethren – herein lies the concept of the Absolute. Quick Question: If I have 1 Absolute (Imagine this to be a brick) and I chop it midway, into half, what would I end up with?

Two Semi-Absolutes? Hmmm…possible, except that we’re talking about The Absolute here. Conceptually, the Absolute is Omniscient, Omnipresent. In Samskrth, The Absolute is immortal, is beyond emotion or attachment, has no desire - it has no thoughts or attributers - by nature it is INFINITE, and by definition it has no limits - it is all-encompassing, and is yet so subtle that it is The Unmanifest.

What does this bring to our hypothesis about the Absolute brick cut into 2 equal pieces? That’s right – we would end up with two COMPLETE Absolutes each a complete representation of the Original Absolute from which it was cut.

Get it? The Absolute is The Absolute because whatever you do to it, it CANNOT be altered in any way. Chop it into a hundred, and each bit is complete, and Absolute, as was the whole. And Moreover, they’d all be the same size as the Original Absolute. You can go on cutting it into a Billion Little Absolutes, and the same thing’ll happen. The Billions will represent the Original even to having the same size, and powers, and these Billions will be connected to each other as a Single Whole.

Get the idea? If not, read it again. Imagine the whole thing in terms of bricks.

Remember that by origin, we are all immortal absolutes - only the physical body/mind complex is discarded/manufactured each time for a specific Karmic purpose.

This logic won’t apply to our physical world - the body/mind complex or the 'reality' we see/perceive around us- because the Physical World is Maya. Maya is another principle – most simply described as Illusion, or The Unreal. That’s another post in itself. Remind me later…

Now - back to our System: there is no Beginning or End, in the Christian/Biblical/Kali-marketed sense of the word. It’s an Endless Cycle – like the Symbolic Zero (which comes from Ancient Bhaaratha) which has no starting point or end-point.

There is the Supreme Being. Eashwara. This being is neither male nor female, is neither righteous nor unrighteous, has no spoken expression nor any expression in the form of thought – in other words, this Being has NO Attributes. No definable traits, characteristics or properties. It merely IS – It simply exists as Pure Consciousness.

The only ‘activity’ of this being is its cycle of Sleep and Wakefulness. When the Being wakes up, It unerringly starts a cycle of creation/dissolution.

To fully perceive why The Being does this, The Scripture says that each ‘individual’ consciousness must Karmically attain the level of consciousness of The Being.

Anyways, The Being sets off a chain of events that lead to Creation based on a single Principle on which all Universes are created – Purushaartha (Ladies, this has nothing to do with Masculinity in the Human sense.) Think about it – Universe = Uni + Verse = 1 Single Verse…

The first of these events is a Manifestation of The Being itself – remember, The Being has no presence – it’s pure consciousness itself. Hence – the first Manifestation is MahaaKaali – or the Mother of All Creation – Time - which 'begins' when The Being Awakens. And then, IN MahaaKaali (Time), manifests the First Manifested Being of Creation - The SadaShivam. The SadaShivam is best portrayed as the form many of you already know --> ArdhaNareeEashwaran – which is a form of Lord Shiva half masculine and half feminine –often depicted as Half Lord Shiva, Half Devi Parvathi.

Allow me to paint a better picture…what is Manifestation? Okay – here goes – imagine you’re an all powerful creative being (you are, anyways!). You can create anything you wish (you actually command Maya...! It's true). Let’s say you’re a chocolate freak. So then, you start with the form of the Chocolate in your mental canvas – say, it’s a Guylian (best Belgian chocolate in the world, I swear!!) box full of assorted chocs. Then you add detail to it – the wrapping on the individual chocs, the design of the carton, the font in which the name ‘Guylian’ appears on the carton. Remember, throughout this process, the box of Guylian chocs is just an image, or a thought-wave, on your mental canvas. At the exact moment you finish up ‘painting’ the last bit of detail on your mental image, the actual carton of chocolate appears in front of you – it comes into existence based on the Thought-Picture you’ve created. THAT last bit is called Manifestation.

When the Being wakes up, it stirs up the Energy of MahaaKaali, because consciousness exists only IN time. This is an automatic process. Ergo, MahaaKaali, or Time itself, ‘begins’ whenever The Being wakes up, and ‘ends’ when The Being goes back to sleep. Since The Being wakes up and sleep alternately, MahaaKaali is not absolute, or Real. Only The Being itself is Reality. All else is Maya. Even, Kaalam, or Time, the essence of which is MahaaKaali, is painted by Maya.

So, Manifestation happens in Time.

Okay, now, we have the ArdhaNareeEashwaran manifest, the next step is thus:: Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu manifest from either side of the ArdhaNareeEashwaran’s torso. Then, Lord Brahma – the Preceptor and Protector of Sacred Knowledge, is entrusted the task of propagating knowledge and all that goes with it. His female counterpart, Devi Saraswathi, is Skill Incarnate. All Skills, be it Java programming, brick-laying, stone masonry, project management or patisserie skills, are gained as her blessing. Knowledge is distinctly different from a Skill. Simply put, that which can be applied as a do-able activity is a skill. But subtle experiences that cannot be applied or are not do-able, but add to a Being’s level of consciousness or Karmic level of Existence, is called Knowledge. Skills earn you Dhanam, (wealth) – and he/she who has earned a skill is a Vidhwan/Vidhushi, but Knowledge earns you Yogam (Karmic points) – and he/she who has earned Knowledge is a Yogi (this word is neither masculine/feminine).

Example: Riding a bicycle is a skill, but insight into the principles that go into the design of the bicycle - Gravity, Levers (pulleys/screws etc.), Momentum, Centers of Gravity, pneumatic pressure properties of air(the tires, remember?) constitutes a level of Knowledge.

Knowledge involves experiencing/knowing concepts whereas skills are something you can gain with practice. Hehehe...a bit of irony- priming your consciousness to look for and imbibe Knowledge is a skill that gets better with practice - practice spanning many lifetimes, of course -- couldn't resist ;o)

Lord Vishnu is entrusted with protecting Dharma, or Righteousness (which is a far more powerful concept than ‘good’ or ‘evil’) and destroying Unrighteousness. His counterpart Devi Lakshmi is Prosperity incarnate. Prosperity includes wealth, but is not dependent on it. Prosperity is the sum total of social and familial blessings. He usually manifests in OUR level of reality as an Avathaar (which is NOT a messiah, a prophet or any such fanciful kind of person - An Avathaar is a concept as vast as any - if anyone's interested, please ask, and I'll post.)

Remember, the Universal laws, such as the laws of Karma or Dharma apply equally to all Manifest Beings due to their manifestation. Karma applies as much to Lord Shiva as it does to you or I. There is NO distinction in the applicability of the Law.

The process continues until an entire array of entities is manifested at various hierarchies for the purpose of Governance. There are entities that manage trees (Yakshas and Yakshis), celestial bodies (Devas and Devis), the Elements (Again, Devas and Devis) and so on forth. In total they number 900 million.

Once all this is done (Phew!!) the epitome of the creative process is manifested – Manushya!! Hooray! Manushya is ‘special’ because it is the only created Being that can ‘use’ its Mind, or control its mind. You see, most Beings have minds. But only Manushya (Manam = Mind, Ooshya = He who can Oosh, err, use/control) can manipulate his world and HIMSELF with his Mind.

Lord Shiva cannot change his Behavior/Nature. Asuras cannot consciously change their nature. Kali/Jesus/Allah/Jehovah cannot be free of hatred and anger, because they are in his nature. Surya Deva cannot change his behavior/nature. Of course, to us it looks like these beings are superior to us – and they really don’t need to change their behavior. True. In the hierarchy of Governance, they are in some ways more responsible than we are. However, the reason we are a central part of the System they govern is not just because we can control our minds AND our nature, or put our minds to work for us, but because we consequently can ‘jump’ the 7 levels between our existence and that of The Being. In other words, we are the ONLY Being in the Universe that can attain Moksha from our existing form/level. ALL other beings MUST go through the Hierarchy one step at a time- unless they have gained special Karmic blessings. For us, it’s a birthright, and is inherent to our very Being's creation.

This is also why we are a favorite target for A-Suras, Bhoothams, Rakshasas and other Demons. We are the masterpiece of Creation. Remember, many Demons exist at various levels of consciousness, and are not Physical Beings like we are, or like Asuras are. Kali (Pronounced Kuh-Li, and distinctly different from Devi Kaali), for instance, the Vedic Being that rules The Kali-Yuga, is a subliminal mental demon, or a thought-demon. The word Kali itself means 'Strife + Dissension'. Many of these demonic beings are capable of physical manifestation, though their ‘bodies’ are not made of the same stuff that ours is. Molecules in their system vibrate at higher Angstrom values, controlled by the beings themselves, and can hence vary in their visibility to us Humans - We cannot do so, but Rishis and many other Beings are capable of doing so by meditating and changing their levels of consciousness. In previous Yugas, Humans could achieve such intermediate levels of consciousness by meditation. Not so in the Kali-Yuga...but again, that's another story. For another post...

Back to our story: Now that we understand where we stand in the heirarchy of Creation, let us understand ourselves a bit more.

As observed before, not all are born equal. Karma exists at three levels – Manasa (thought-based), Vaacha (speech-based), Karmana (deed-based).

In the cyclic system, Lord Brahma has a DAY known as a (Kalpam) and NIGHT (oh well, he's gotta sleep too - you did notice how exhausting creation can be!!). Creation occurs during the Kalpam (Lit. trans. Imagination!). The entire system of creation exists as cycles within cycles – starting with the awakening/sleeping of The Being. The lesser cycles include human lifetimes, the cycles of the moon, the cycles of seasons and the cycles of day/night or sunrise/sunset. And the higher cycles are the days and nights of Lord Brahma - the highest being that of The Being's sleep/wakefulness itself.

Trivia: Did you know that the Lotus is symbolic of cycles within cycles? It's petal-configuration makes it unique in the flower-world. Hence its relevance in many a Vedic Ritual...

Lord Brahma literally ‘dreams’ us into existence. In every Kalpam, there are many Manvantharas, and for each Manvanthara there exists a Manu – the first ‘blueprint’ Manushya (I’m skipping a couple of higher time-cycles to cut down on the complexity).

WE live in the 14th Manvanthara, I think – I’ll need to refer records – so feel free to correct me. Our Manu is VaiVaswatha-Manu, and of him are descended all of us. Each Manvanthara has a set pattern of Chathur-Yugas etc. which differs from other Manvantharas.

1 Kriya-Yuga + 1 Thretha-Yuga + 1 Dwapara-Yuga + 1 Kali-Yuga = 1 Chathur-Yuga

Everything is cut down by 1/4th in each successive Yuga starting with the Kriya-Yuga. In other words, in the Thretha-Yuga, Humans are only 3/4th as capable as they were in the previous Yuga. Lifetimes are also only 3/4th of what they used to be. And so on. These characteristics fall in the definitions of the natures of Yugas, and I won’t go into much more detail at this point.

To continue, good Ol’ Manu’s successors (US!!) were not very smart, so we’ve Karmically put ourselves in a bad situation – Those beings with the WORST Karma are born in The Kali-Yuga to be tortured by good ol’ Kali himself.

This is a Karmic necessity.

Okay…now, where in all this does the Caste-System fit? Varnas, or ‘types’ are the basic definitions of the Types of Human Beings.

Depending on your specific Karma, you’re born into a ‘faction’ of human society that is characterized by specific traits and aptitudes. In the Kriya Yuga, you were actually born into the right faction as per your Karma. This however changes in later Yugas - A Brahmana's son could be a Kshathriya or a Shudra, for that matter. In later Yugas, there are times when the person's inherent behavior does not match the family that he/she is born in, and the only way to know a person's Varna is to consult his/her horoscope - a traditional Vedic horoscope, thank you.

As for details - Shudras are the faction that cares about where the next meal comes from, with whom their next sensual experience is, and where their shelter is provided. In other words, they are not concerned with their true nature, the well-being of society, concepts of knowledge, or concepts themselves, or the building of the nation/kingdom or the upholding of Dharma.

It’s not that they’re bad, irresponsible etc. They are just as necessary to the society as is Prana (a subtle form of energy in the air we breathe.) - and are not at all the 'lower' class that Max Muller's damning translation of The Veda suggests. Remember, that translation was commissioned by (Lord? bah!) Macaulay to create Division in our perfect society after receiving the go-ahead from the British Govt. A Division that even the Mughals could not bring forth.

It’s just the way they are created as befits their Karma. They are neither superior nor inferior to other creations. Their responsibilities end with their immediate surroundings. They have the same levels of built-in goodness or compassion that a Brahmana or a Kshathriya will have. As a matter of fact, the human trait of compassion may be more pronounced in Shudras due to their natural affinity for attachment. They build families. They build houses. They are the masons, the Thatchu-Shasthris (artisans who build Temples etc.), The Revered Guardians of the Smashaanam (cremation ground) that is frequented by the Ultimate Aghori – Lord Shiva.

Hunters (who were the only people, besides Kshathriyas who killed another form of life for sustenance), famers (who virtually ‘belonged’ to Bhoomi Devi), carpenters, iron-smiths, goldsmiths and so on belong to this very necessary class of the Society. This class consists of the cogs that make the social machine work at its very existential level.

Their existence is to society what food is to life, is what houses are to families, is what the gold Thaali is to the sacred institution of Marriage. They are the ‘Maintainers’ - of everything from the fields to the sanitation system.

Vaishyas are the faction that worries about ‘order’ in the society. They ensure that the grain produced by the Shudra farmer is not wasted, and is stored and distributed as required. They maintain accounts, inventory and balance sheets for the society. They live by The Numbers. They foresee a famine before it occurs. They ensure that every farmer is cared for regardless of his/her input into the social production scale.

They are as compassionate as a human being can be – in other words, they are as kind and as affable as the Shudra. When it comes to their responsibilities, they have a built-in Responsibility-Meter that rings loud when they are neglecting their duties. They revere their responsibilities, and duty is everything do them. They criticize themselves when they are behind in their accounts. They follow rules set by The Vedas for business, barter, and economics. They are the worker-bees who handle the Kings treasury and ensure every faction in the society is spoken for, and equally provided for.

These people are the professionals of the society.

Kshathriyas are the faction that has built-in characteristics to protect and secure the society. They are territorial, aggressive in order to have the right mind-set to defend their territory. They are not the wisest of beings, but are certainly capable in terms of physical prowess, and a love of discipline. They revere The Law. They respect the order of creation. They are devotees of The System. Their lives are governed by duty to the Society, and the strict rules that bind them to those whose security lies in their hands. They are bound to listen to their subjects’ wants and needs. They are bound to lay down their lives for the Land that ‘loves’ The Shudras. The Land that is ‘managed’ by The Vaishyas. They are The Servants of the Land.

They are the fearless Generals, The Valiant Kings and Queens, The Knights in Shining Armor that we all need. They live without fear or insecurity. They are not as attached to their families as are Shudras or Vaishyas. They can live in the harshest of conditions. Kshathriyas whose prowess lies entirely in their skills in battle make up the Army. Those that are capable of following strict codes of behavior and restraint constitute the Kings, Queens and so on.

The Brahmanas are the preceptors. They are the thinkers, the faction that performs Vedic Rituals for the benefit of society. They live by the strictest of rules. They are not allowed to work for a salary or for a benefit. EVERYTHING they do must be in pursuit of Knowledge. It is their quest for knowledge that defines their life. They spend the first waking minutes of their day in ice-cold water at least as high as their waist – offering thanks to Surya Deva for shining the light (symbolic of knowledge) on their land, and for those whom they ‘re responsible. They advise The Kshathriyas on governance strategy, on deeds and Karmas that’ll benefit the society. On curses from Bhoomi Devi, on messages from other entities with regard to natural calamities, with information on Lakshanams (Omens) depicted by Prakrthi and Jyothi (the study of which is known as Jyothishm -Astrology) in the wisdom of The Universe.

The Brahmanas are the Acharyas, the Gurus. They represent the forces of Prakrthi that must be revered by all creation, including humans. They are the humblest of all types – they must eat only food that has been given to them in Daanam (charity) by Vaishyas, Shudras or Kshathriyas.

They are NOT allowed to farm their own food, are NOT allowed to obtain wealth as a salary. They may accept only what is given to them in Daanam (charity.)

They are the Seekers of the Truth, the Jignasus – the upholders of the Vedic Tradition handed to Manu as the ManuSmrthi by Lord Brahma himself. Their entire lives are spent in the pursuit of Knowledge. And it is their responsibility to ensure their Knowledge stands in good stead for The Society as a whole.

They are the least attached of all types. Their levels of detachments are very high, and they are highly objective in their pursuit of knowledge. All else, including their own health and their own families are second to their Karmic pursuit of knowledge.

They are not sad when they lose a brother or a mother, because they know that attachment causes grief, and all emotions for that matter. They are the Tantriks, the Poojaris, the Sadhus, the Munis and the Gnyaanis who connect our society to its creators – Ourselves. Remember, the first truth in The Veda is Aham Brahmasmi – I am The Brahma. This follows from our discussion of the concept of The Absolute.

We are all Absolute – we are all One. This principle is known as Advaitham. We are one with ourselves and with all Creation. This is The Truth. And they inherently know it by design.

While we have different capabilities and inclinations as per our Karmic standing, we are all the same. The Kshathriya CANNOT ill-treat the Vaishya/Brahmana, The Brahmana CANNOT ill-treat a Shudra/Vaishya/Kshathriya. Conversely, The Shudra must not interfere with The Brahmanas’ quest for Knowledge by dirtying the Site of a Yaagam, or by destroying days of hard work by polluting the immediate surroundings of the poor Brahmana.

Brahmanas must spend days, or months, even years preparing their Auras and minds for specific rituals.

The Shudra/Kshathriya/Vaishya must realize that a Brahmana’s life is just as hard as a Shudra’s or a Vaishya’s though it ‘looks’ like Brahmanas are living off others’ hard work. The Brahmana’s ego must be destroyed in order to BEG for a living. Respect the dedication to the pursuit of Knowledge.

It’s not an easy thing to do.

There is no class that is superior or inferior to the other, on a social scale. On a Karmic scale, The Brahmanas are higher than all the other classes – the irony of their existence being that they must BEG the other classes to give them grain for their daily meal.

Their existence is purely for Knowledge. Their lives are not as valuable to them as the attainment of Knowledge is.

And thus are defined the characteristics of the Four PRIMARY Varnas in the society of Manushya.

The Vedas do not discriminate - they define. The Varna system does not discriminate - Karma that pre-defines one's Varna is of one's own doing.

Think about it - discrimination is actually a part of every 'modern' democratic society. When we vote for one political candidate over the other, we are actually discriminating. When your high school scores (VCE in VIC, Oz or SAT in the US, or HSC in India) decide whether you are eligible for Accounting school, Medical school etc, it is plain and simple discrimination.

Discrimination is otherwise known as common-sense, in its most positive form. And Racism, in its most negative (European?) form. In its positive form, it is necessary. Let's face it - not everyone has an aptitude for the rigor of the Medical profession, or the Legal one, for that matter. Not everyone has an aptitude for being a good statesman - of course, not all polticians are born equal...

So why exactly is it wrong to classify people by their basic social inclinations? That's right, it's not.

Untouchability etc. are the result of centuries of mistranslation and propaganda marketing by a machine today known as The Vatican - like it or not, even Protestant, Jacobite, Marthoma, 7th Day Adventist, and Pente Costal bodies are controlled by this vast Political Entity. It has accumulated wealth that is many times the GDP of large global economies. It controls more media than most can imagine.

Untouchability was not existent even when Akbar the Great Pig was slaughtering 'Hindus' left and right for not converting to his bastardized religion. Historical records state so (oh for god's sake, stop referring fake records. Has anyone bothered to read unabridged records by Marco Polo? Or Huein Tsang? C'mon, grow up!!)

Sati was always a voluntary practice. No one EVER forced women to jump in. In some cases, the women actually did it to avoid the insult of being raped by some Muslim or British bastard - oh yes, these fellows loved to 'claim' all the 'available' women. Virgin rapes were as common then as corruption is today. Of course, if the poor virgin was a Hindu, then all the better! A Brahmin's wife was an even better conquest. The best thing was most of these women committed suicide after experiencing the ultimate insult to their existence - yes, they were a race of Honor.

This made things perfect - no traces of the heinous crime...

The Caste and Ethic System was so perfect that it is mentioned in many historic records as the fabric that held Bhaarathic Society so strongly that even the Muslims gave up! There was no point of raping a woman if she'd kill herself afterward -they needed converts, NOT dead women.

||Om Shivaya Namaha|| This post is dedicated to all those Brahmanas who preferred to die before they revealed the locations of sacred texts the church wanted to destroy. It is dedicated to all the Vaishyas, Shudras and Kshathriyas who preferred death with honor than a life as a christian or a muslim. Their blood will speak for itself.

This post is dedicated to those proud and honorable women - virgins, wives, daughters, mothers - who destroyed their bodily temple in honor rather than live disgraced as mistresses of the cowardly muslims or christians who raped them with no shame.

Such is the spirit of The Holy Land we call Bhaaratha. The Bhaaratha can be a Shudra, a Brahmana, a Vaishya or a Kshathriya. It doesn't matter. We all come from a great culture called Bhaaratha - that existed from the western edge of modern Iraq to the eastern island of Bali in Indonesia to what is now called Australia...

Today, the Truth (unabridged Vedic scriptures) is protected by select Brahmanic families - many other records protected by Shudras, Vaishyas, Kshathriyas - valiant and steadfast in their quest. Kali, in his demonic rage, has attacked Bhaaratha with all the weapons he has - christianity, buddhism, islam, capitalism, communal/political riots - and yet, Bhaaratha lives on. This post is dedicated to all the Bhaarathas in this world - wherever they be located. For they are living proof that The Truth alone shall triumph...

Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Santhip for posing this question. For only he who seeks knowledge shall be blessed by Knowledge itself. A true seeker of knowledge is a Jignasu, and he shall attain what he seeks through many lifetimes of penance and devotion to The Truth.


  1. Wow!! Whomever Santhip is, he certainly asked you the right question.

    I will have to read through this a few more times at least before I can completely comprehend it.

    The concepts are as vast as you claimed, Elfie. I remember how long it took me to truly comprehend how faith/belief/superstition is inferior to Knowledge - from your comments on the other post...

    I wonder who long this will take...Truly Amazing - the depth of your post, as well as the fine language you put it in.

    Thank you....

  2. Aah my friend Elfie,

    You have truly explained the system.

    I can't wait for the next concept that will be explained.

    I have known about the reality of the Varnas from an early age - coming from a Nambiar family. We are the clan of Brahmins who migrated to Kerala along with Vashishtha Muni thousands of years ago - oh well, you probably know exactly when he came over -crossing The Vindhyas...

    We're Brahmins, of course, and have been all but destroyed by being classified as a 'Forward Caste' by that bastard Gandhi's laws.

    Discrimination and violence have been our deal from the society...our families have had everything taken away from us. We have been always presented as snobs and undeserving members of the society.

    Everyone forgets that Lord Brahma was the first Brahmana, and Veda Vyasa and Valmiki attained Brahmanic status with their levels of thought.

    I am glad someone finally put this in a way that everyone can understand.

    Thank you, dear friend.

  3. I have understood that Gandhi fought for the 'untouchables' in the society.

    How did the untouchables come into existence?

    What caste were they from?

  4. My dear Bhaaratha,

    Untouchability as it is described in 'history' texts never existed.

    There are some parts of a temple where none except the Poojari himself is allowed - even today in the more powerful of such temples.

    A temple is NOT a place of idiotic worship or superstitious gathering like a church or a mosque.

    It is a mathematically designed structure purely designed to enhance thought waves and Auric vibes of those who gather their thoughts there.

    Building and maintaining the vibes of such a place is not a simple task.

    The word 'Pray' comes from 'Prachhathi' in Samskrth that means 'to ask'. Hence you go to such a power-point to 'Ask' of the Universe. You don't whine or complain or sorrowfully wish for. you confidently ask, based on the principle that YOU are the creator of the Universe. The temple structure merely magnifies your thought and projects it into the Universe. The deity is a channel of Universal Governance, not some weird mythical being conjured up by a Rabbi or Imam.

    Once the structure is built and the deities (Hi-power magnetic thought-power-concentrators) activated, then even those who build the structure (Shudras themselves) are not allowed to enter it usually. Remember that these are Shudras who followed a strict regimen and had remarkable skills (detailed in a Vedic text under the science of Thatchu - or masonry)

    Those who habitually ate meat or consumed alcohol were in general not allowed on temple premises. You wouldn't let the town drunk near your family now, would you?

    It's not fair to let those few who preferred a different way of life to negate all the hard work of the others now, is it?

    Come the British - to these Mlecchas, meat and alcohol are the 'healthy' way of life. They were angry that they were not allowed into our shrines as well. Besides, as Christians, it's their 'sacred duty' to destroy Pagan culture.

    Gandhi merely took up the cause of those people whom the Brahmanas would not touch - as I mentioned in my post, this was necessary for powerful spiritual reasons. In some parts of the nation, these were people who had, in some ways, opted for a pro-british way of life with alcohol being a part of their routines. Many of them were 'converted' without their even knowing it - they were told that if they 'believed' and drank wine and ate meat, they would be allowed in the inner sanctum of the british temple (church).

    One must remember that the Brahmins themselves were a 'poor' people with no property or wealth to call their own. They were social beggars in the true sense of the word. Do you think they had any snob value to gain by ignoring others?

    All they did was try and protect the sanctity of Vedic Temples.

    Why aren't unclean people allowed to enter most areas of a hospital? I mean, if you rolled over in some mud, stuck some filth to your clothes, and managed to ever gain entry into a good hospital, you may prove a point to everyone here, my friend.

    Even today, all great temples lay out free, hygienic, delicious vegetarian food for thousands of people everyday.

    There is no distinction between people. anyone can eat. and it has always been like this. for thousands and thousands of years.

    Gandhi, since he'd converted to Islam, was obviously on the other side.

    He needed to create division in the Vedic society, and with the marketing/propaganda engine of the British, got a whole bunch of people to think that they were being discriminated against.

    Also think about why Harijans conveniently existed only in parts of the country that Gandhi went to. There are no untouchables/Harijans in TN or AP or KA or KL states even today.

    No world traveller who passed by The Holy Land even as recently as 500 years ago mentions anything about a certain class of people kept away from society.

    Ancient Vedic religion glorified humanity. There were no sinners. Sex was the ultimate communication between a man and a woman, and the ritual itself completed the cycle of creation. It was considered divine.

    IN the Vedic tradition, the Human form was considered a glorious creation - there was nothing to hide. there was nothing to be ashamed of.

    Contrast this with British/christian or Islamic/mughal culture - where sin, guilt and shame are apparently an inherent part of society.

    The 'Untouchables' were a fabrication of the british propaganda machine with a little help from good ol' Gandhi.

    History has dealt you a false sense of being discriminated against - but Sathyam shall prevail, and now you know the Truth...

  5. It is true that the Dalits or Harijans were an artificially created division.

    I quote Wikipedia:

    "Dalit status has often been historically associated with occupations regarded as ritually impure, such as any occupation involving butchering, removal of dead animals, removal of night soil (human feces) and leatherwork. One million Dalits work as manual scavengers, cleaning latrines and sewers by hand and clearing away dead animals."

    What the Wikipedia does not say is that traditionally, these people were provided for by the community. They were also required to perform cleansing rituals followed by the rest of the community.

    Brahmanas probably had the harshest cleansing rituals, but Vaishyas, Shudras and Kshathriyas had quite detailed cleansing rituals. As a matter of fact, the British were amazed at how clean people were...

    These Dalits were given food, shelter and provisions by most classes of society and were protected traditionally by both the Vaishyas and the Kshathriyas.

    After the infestation of Islam in UP etc., Islamic groups convinced general society that these people were 'filthy' - and the Arab/Islamic/Mughal tradition of slavery was incorporated into Vedic society - albeit forcefully.

    History is often re-written falsely on many such counts, and the all-powerful media is employed sometimes.

    If anyone has seen the famous movie '300', then you may know what I'm talking about.

    The movie reverses history. Actually, 75% of Sparta were slaves. Democracy and equal opportunity were practiced in Persia long before the Greeks, Spartans, or Macedonians learned to farm their own land.

    Ancient Persian culture was as Vedic as it gets - there were no slaves, there was no discrimination. Cities were as developed as they were in Bhaaratha or Cambodia or Bali.

    There was the element of honor within our societies.

    The Spartans were not only uncultured, they were also inhuman and brutal in their warfare. They had no ethics and would attack a fallen man. They raped innocent women and children as part of their warfare.

    It was much much later that our culture spread into their way of life, and they started 'thinking' about ethics, and democracy and so on.

    The Persian King Cyrus followed a democratic method even before the Greeks had learned to write properly.

    Shri Rama practiced democracy almost to a fault about 18,000 years ago. He took his duty so seriously that the opinion of a Shudra about the Royal Queen Sita mattered to him.

    How can anyone really believe that our society 'traditionally' discriminated against anyone?

    All the seeds of discrimination are recent, and are propagated by warmongers and religious harlots from an imported superstitious religion.

  6. Parsi-Thinker/Fellow Bhaaratha,

    Religion, by definition, is superstition. You're accepting something from some book (Bible Etymos. Greek - Biblos = Book) as the Truth.

    You're not processing the information, or applying the information for validity. Your inner experience is ignored and a set of mental programming cycles is begun.

    you start believing. the idea of actually knowing through inner experience independent of any book or belief system is gone.

    As a Parsi, you're aware that your ancient culture was Vedic in nature. You respected nature as an entity, fire was an important part of your Vedic rituals as it was in the ancient societies of what is now called India.

    This is the land you came to when the Muslims routed your nation and plundered your ancestral wisdom/wealth.

    It brings me great joy to realize that more people know the truth than I had imagined...

    While I would have preferred you use a real blog ID, I can understand your fear.

    My partner even today fears that the Muslims will kill us because we're together. I'm certainly not a Muslim, and she has changed her surname to reflect my family name, which is a crime in the eyes of misguided muslim theology.

    Fear not - for the Truth will protect us.

    Best regards.

  7. About 600-800 years ago, a faction of the Vedic society, influenced by central asian, islamic, and christian values, started discriminating.

    For political and personal gain, they separated a section of society from the mainstream.

    In the South, this was not as obvious till the portuguese and the dutch landed up later - these wily europeans enabled the existence of such a system, though the stronger cultural ties of the south prevailed, and such practices are an exception here.

    This is the Kali Yuga, and Vedic practice, like all other Human Value systems, will be misinterpreted, misused, destroyed and defiled.

    I am curious to see a post on the nature of Yugas, Elfie. And you're right about the difference between Kali and Kaali, though in popular literature they are spelled the same.

  8. Phew! So much to read. I have a deadline at work tomorrow,and could not tear myself away from Elfie's writings. And to think all of this started off with a bad dream. let me explain - my wife had a nightmare a few days back. She dreamt of a sadhu "kind" of lady as following her - this lady called herself "Aghori". She got the same dream again last night and we stayed up till early hours talking. Today, we decided to google the word "Aghori" and came across the post on I know most (if not all) of you will not believe what i said above - but thts the truth.

    Elfie: I am currently preparing for the civil services exams. you are correct, the history I am currently studying is "gandhianized". But you shared a lot of things that i am sure 99% of people in India are un-aware of:
    (1) Gandhi and Nehru are muslims
    (2) Bianca and Raoul
    (3) Italian passports of the gandhi family (does India permit dual citizenship?)
    (4) National anthem in tribute of a britisher? (mind blowing).

    What do you do for a living? I feel that you are wasting away your life if you are not running for an office in India. Someone ought to educate the masses with these dead truths.

    Also - you asked one contributor to refer to old archives in any state government, and most needed a high level clearance. I am wondering, how you were able to obtain that - unless you are working for the Indian government (pardon my indianisation, I was brought up like this for 28 years now).

    An accountant by profession, I can't wait to join the government service.

    Jai Hind!

  9. Hi Elfie,
    Any comments on this alternative explanation of Yugas given in this book by the revered guru by the name "Paramahamsa" Yogananda ?

    Thanks for your reply. Appreciate it a lot.


  10. I read Yogananda's book when I was a teenager, and it had a great influence on me...

    I found certain concepts conflicting, though - you see, if man's awareness of his divinity was the topic, it certainly shouldn't result in Faith - unshakeable as it may be. It should result in pure, certain Knowledge...

    But I would attribute that to Yogananda's transliterations - he makes it clear that he was not interested in the etymology of English words, but much rather was interested in spreading the right message.

    It is a blow in the face of Kali that Jesus freaks are promoting his works.

    However, the fact remains that the interpretations of the duration of Yugas is based on certain Vedic calculations.

    My interpretation is based on another Yogi's calculations.

    This is a Yogi who runs an Ashramam in Switzerland today - he's safe from the Muslims and Christians there. He is one of the few people in the world who've SCRIPTURALLY proven that Jesus = Kali = Satan = Allah...and so on.

    This is personal, but I've felt that their method was more accurate than most others' methods.

    You may notice that Yogananda spelled his name 'Paramhamsa' - which as been debated by Samskrth scholars. Yogananda was not a native Samskrth speaker, and when interpreting concepts in Hindi or other languages, there're bound to be mistakes.

    Translation has its pitfalls - after all, Cinderella's fur slipper famously turned into a glass one when the tale was translated from French.

    Given that most Indian translators do not distinguish between Vidhya/Gnjaanam or Skill/Knowledge, or between belief/knowledge, I'd say there's a conceptual inaccuracy about most of their works - thanks to the English language and its propounders.

    The disambiguity and precision of Samskrth is all but gone from our consciousness and thinking...

    BTW, the book is a fantastic read for anyone...

    Jai Bhaaratha... (I prefer this to the Arabic word 'Hind' or 'Hindu' :) )

    Many many cheers, everyone. I'm loving this discussion!!!

  11. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm a business systems analyst by profession. By passion, I'm a Bhaaratha.

    Yes, there's a lot of information not known to the general populace in what is now known as India.

    India does not offer a dual citizenship, but there are options. I, for instance, hold what is known as an OCI - Oversease Citizenship of India - in effect, I'm like a holder of Permanent Residency (Indians call the American PR a Green Card?). I can do almost everything except vote. I am also a South African Resident and an Australian Citizen (I can vote here...).

    This is why I have more access to such information. A lot of such information is controlled by the Government in India.

    I personally feel that the average Bhaaratha deserves to know where he comes's just not fair to think that he's living on a culture borrowed from some invaders.

    Just because Ashoka turned into an ignorant Buddhist, it doesn't mean we should all stay ignorant.

    In the Kali-Yuga, no one can escape Kali - but we can certainly embrace the Truth...

    One of the greatest weapons a human being has against jesus/allah/kali/buddha/jehovah etc. is knowledge.

    For instance, when one knows the Identity of Jesus = who the bastard really was, then he (jesus-Kali) loses a lot of his hold on that specific person's mind. However, he still controls this Yuga, and we cannot change that.

    Kali is a thought demon, so the Truth is the best way to weaken him.

    Historically, Indians think that the Mughals and the British literally made the nation what it is today.

    This is both untrue and insulting to many who do know what really happened...

    I cannot change the Yuga, but I wish to tell people what really happened.

    The very best in your ventures, I do pray your tests turn out well, and that The Holy Land is blessed by your efforts.

    In many cases, to access government archives in India/the UK, you don't need high level clearance. You need to identify who you are, and why you wish to access the material.

    Foreign resesarchers/authors etc are usually let through.

    In the UK, parliamentary minutes are usually accessible by the public nowadays.

    Documents regarding Gandhi were de-classified - but I don't know how much access you can gain from India...

    I would not under-estimate the political clout of elements in India.

  12. Hey Elfie...

    Thanks for your reply. I am curious to know your opinion on this 2012 phenomenon, or the idea that the whole of humanity will go through an ascension process around that year, as the Solar system aligns with the centre of the galactic plane. Some websites like that of seem to be suggesting that the yuga of enlightenment is coming around that year, in the date coinciding with the end of the mayan calendar. The idea definitely isn't vedic. I am just curious to know what you think on this.

  13. Dear Santhip,

    My humble apologies on the delay. I haven't been able to find the time to make a satisfactory reply.

    I shall try to do so this weekend. Cheers.

  14. Hello again, Santhip,

    the '2012' phenomenon, as it's now called - is based on the truth...and like all 'partial' truths (Koran, Bible, Torah etc.), it's a farce - an untruth by definition.

    Imbibing fear into the minds of men is indeed Kali/Jesus/Allah/Jehovah's mode of operation.

    Having said that, the Bhavishya Purana does record specific planetary movements that will herald the end of the Kali Yuga.

    The events of 2005 - an unusual eclipse, the tsunami that followed and so forth, have matched the descriptions in the Purana.

    And these events are a prelude to events in 2012 - though of course a dramatic flood as shown in the 2012 movie is highly unlikely.

    The end of the Kali Yuga will come from political change and the destruction of Islam, Christianity and other fearmonger-systems. The idea of 'god' will change. The Kali Yuga can only be ended by a paradigm shift in human perception. Not by a silly flood etc.

    It is true, though that a lot of people will be slaughtered and that the end of this Yuga will be quite violent in nature, as was the end of the previous Yuga.

    Perhaps I can make this clearer when I put up my post on Yugas...

    Political agendas are bound to change dramatically, as they already have in the US. 40 years ago, when Americans were driving petrol guzzling cars with 8 cylinder engines and killing black men for fun, they never thought a black man who was half muslim could become president.

    Bhaaratha has already had a Muslim president, and I await anxiously the future of politics there.

    The end of the Kali Yuga occurs with the advent of Kalki.

    The concept of Kalki has been used by both Islam and Christianity to justify that Jesus/Mohammad was Kalki -- ROFL!!

    So I wouldn't be surprised if the superstitious 25% of the American population waiting for the Second Coming start spinning off more and more tales about the end of the world.

    As long as you know the truth, and seek refuge in it, fear cannot invade your mind.

    And as long as fear cannot invade your mind, you shall remain a proper Manushya.

    Om Shivaya Namaha

  15. Hi
    Can you give us more information about the Gyanani in Switzerland

  16. Dear Mei,

    Before I answer your question, please tell me whether you're in Switzerland or nearby somewhere.

    The most likely contact I will give you is the email address of a publishing company, and a title to address this specific person.

    Warmest regards.

  17. Hi Elfie,
    I enjoyed reading your posts. But many facts in this world are contradicting or may be confussing. The science world says that we have originated from monkeys and are unearthing animals that lived millions of years ago and providing various other details. So its hard to follow or know what is correct...
    I am awating your post on Kali Yuga to see what you have to say about our current world.

  18. Dear eLfie ,
    Thank you you for your response. I am not in Switzerland . I wish to read more obout the his views . If my desire is strong enough distance should not be a plroblem.
    Just check this article .reg Economics of caste system .

  19. Dear Mei,

    I have no qualms about your desire to know more about his views.
    I might add revealing his identity on a blog like this could endanger his life - as you may have guessed.
    Living in a legally safe zone like Switzerland does not guarantee that Islamic extremists or Christian militants would not make attempts on his life.

    I do not wish to reveal his direct whereabouts at this point. But you may want to explore this website.

    Warmest regards

  20. Mei,

    This is the page for contacting the right people.

    My Karma, at this point does not venture into activism, though I wish it would.

    Ergo, though I can vouch for the scriptural accuracy of the findings on this website, I am unable to help any further.

    The authors of the website may recognize me if you quote me as being a "Bhaaratha from Melbourne" and include this blog as reference.

    I hope you understand the danger many of us face from militants and extremists.

    Kind regards,

  21. Dear eLFie
    Thank you for the information. I understand your concern . I am just a fellow seeker & am new to this medium (net) . I shall be carefull too. But destiny will connect us at some point.
    my warmest wishes for your/ our journey towards TRuth

  22. Dear Mei,
    Yes, you do seem to understand my concerns :o) after all, you use an anonymous identity yourself.

    I hope the material you found on the website was useful.

    A lot of the references and statements require that you be well-versed with the bible-book, and also with Vedic concepts of Truth and Absolute existence.

    It would help greatly to have a background in Vedic studies to understand why the bible is Kali's greatest achievement, and why his appearance in the guise of jesus was his most powerful manifestation.

    Destiny can be very strange - but were we to meet, I would think it a joyous occasion.

    I wish you the very best, and look forward to more comments and queries from you.

    Warm regards

  23. Hi all, It's very heart warming to see people like Elfie (a Non Resident Bharaatha) standing up the Truth. I just wanted to share that there are people in India as well who are also try to dispel the misinformation spread by anti Vedic forces and contributing to this fight in a political battleground.

  24. When does one find a guru and does anyone who is seeking finds a guru? Blogs and books surely cannot be a substitute!!

    1. Agreed, the Ocean.

      In the Kali Yuga, one must trust oneself - and none else.

      You i.e. your Athman, if you prefer - knows all, and will guide you through your Karmic path - trust yourself =)

  25. Hi eLFie,
    I've been reading your older blogs for a while and I must say I'm in awe of the vastness of your knowledge! mind blowing stuff!

    coming to the topic, some questions crept up my mind I'd be pleased if u can clarify it.

    1. under the Vedic system what varna would a agohri be? is he a Brahmana? if so I'm sure no temple pojari will allow him inside(or near) a temple.

    2. I'm also not clear why a shudra/vaishaya/Kshathriya(considering they're not drunk/dirty) should not enter the garbagudi in a temple and perform puja n ask for knowledge?

    waiting for your reply.
    I consider Swami Vivekananda as my mansika guru and I consider him one of the greatest modern Vedic. although I'm surprised that u haven't mentioned him in any of your older blogs.

    1. Dear Sanjay,

      1) The Aghora/Aghori would be, depending on his level of realisation, a Brahmana, or a seeker...

      2) One must remember that Poojaris did not allow such great Bhakthas as Kannappa Nayanar (Not sure if I've spelled that right, but please do google it and let me know)

      3) Also, generally Indians have a lot of misconcepts about 'good' and 'bad' e.g. Shri Ravana from the Ramayana, was in reality a great Shri Vishnu Bhaktha, and it was his Karma to be killed by Shri Maha Vishnu and hence be freed. He was karmically ahead of most Brahmanas in his time although he was an Asura

      4) It is not about being drunk and dirty when it comes to entering a Garbagudi/other main areas of a temple. A temple is a power amplifier for your alpha brain-waves. The electromagnetics (read Aura) of people who have not lived in a certain way, or who are not ready to perform Vedic rituals (by practice of certain every day ablutions etc) can mess around with the temple's electromagnetic amplification capabilities.

      5) Old school temples (and even several modern temples) are built as per a Vedic branch of learning known as Thatchu Shaasthram.

      6) try googling the Vaasthu of a temple, and let me know what you find - I'd bee interested too =)

    2. BTW, I have mentioned Shri Vivekananda on an occasion or two - but can't remember whether it was here or elsewhere.

      I'm sure there was a link put up by a contributor to this blog in one of his comments including the complete works of Shri Vivekananda, I think...

      Of course, Shri Vivekananda was a giant amongst humans, and I barely need to mention him, my friend - he is well known, and well received amongst most intelligent Bhaarathas.

      I hope you can sift through the posts/comments in this blog and find those links...

  26. I read your postings many times just so I keep things in mind.
    Where are you Elfie, I have been visiting this site for more updates and all seems quite. Actually worried about you now.

    Vijay Reddy

  27. Oh God! Elfie. What the heck happened to you??
    Your last post was some 2 years back and you haven't turned up here since then?? It's causing me suspicions regarding your well-being considering your live was in danger back then.

    I have been reading your post since last few days and it has been an amazing experience but the very thought that something wrong might have happened to you makes me feel sick in the pit of stomach.

    Any why my posts are being displayed here?


    1. Navin, your comments are here because I think they would make a lot of people think along different lines.

      BTW, it's early morning, and I just remembered that you'd enquired about where you could read up on ancient theories/works on Quantum Physics etc.

      May I recommend you google/find translations of works by Kanad Acharya? He lived around 3000 years ago, and was born in Prabhas Kshethra, near Dwaraka in Gujarat.

      Atoms, molecules, elements etc. were theorised by him at while John Dalton's civilisation was learning to wash its bums.

      The historian T N Colebrook has studied his works ('evidence' for you, I hope) and extensively praised it.

      Quantum theory began with the realisation that no one could be certain about the exact position of an electron (Heisenberg's Uncertainty) and ended with the realisation that matter could exist at two locations at the same time, and also the understanding that the observer could influence the observed in an instant.

      Kanad Acharya took such matters as being common knowledge - I hope that explains how advanced things were once upon a time...

  28. Dear Navin,

    Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I did go through a period where various authorities tried to use the system against me.

    My life, and my family's, were in danger. Providence, however, had other plans for me :-)

    So I'm back, and although I'm tied up amidst various battles, I am slowly catching up with a back log of messages on this blog.

  29. I am yet to start up on a fresh post, but providence willing, I'll get there sooner rather than later, Navin.

    Again, thank you for your concern, and your goodwill.

