Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yugas – The Secret of Time, The Identity of Jesus , and The Nature of Kali

Welcome to the Kali Yuga, all ye Seekers of Knowledge! For this is the age of Supreme Ignorance, the age when those with the worst Karma must be born into… This is the age when Kali is given control of the world as we know it.

The question is, why has Eashwaran’s greatest creation, Manushya (because Manushya is the singular representative of Purushartha – no, this is not a word that has anything to do with the concept of masculinity – it is the building block of all creation) been put through all this torture and pain…?! Why indeed…


As students of The Veda may have noted, in my previous post detailing Varna, I also described the process of creation wherein The Supreme Being starts off a cycle. Please read that bit again – you’ll have to have an image of the process described there in your minds’ eyes.

We exist as a cycle within a cycle within a cycle within a cycle within a cycle and so on forth. A big part of this Cyclic Lotus consists of Units of Time – or Kaalam – originally manifested as Devi MahaaKaali within whom The SadaaShivam manifests (In other words, the elements of Creation’s Governance manifest within Time herself)

I shall skip many units of time – the entire account is simply too vast and way beyond the scope of a post. A complete understanding involves years of study in a Gurukula.

So now, we have the actual awakening of The Being. Fast forward to the point where the SadaaShivam has manifested. Fast forward to the point where the three primary Governors are manifest (Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, though not in that order) and Lord Brahma’s day begins.

Lord Brahma’s lifetime i.e. the duration of The Being’s state of wakefulness is 36000 Kalpas, with one Kalpa being a day in his life. He has nights where he just sleeps, like us…and it is said that all creation goes into darkness and virtually stands still. 3+6+0+0 = 9 – the Number of Physical Reality/Creation.

Life, as we know it, or as Manushyas in other Yugas knew it, occurs only during Lord Brahma’s Kalpas. Now here, we have a very important concept that may help you understand creation itself:

The word ‘Kalpa’ literally means --- yes, you said it – DREAM. Huh?! Did I just say Dream?! What the *#@!#@%$?!

Think about it. Today quantum physics tells us that we alone are responsible for the reality we create. It suggests that The Observed actually manifests when The Observer looks at it. Till then, The Observed exists in a state of possible existence without actually existing.

In other words, without YOU, the observer, the world around you – the observed, doesn’t exist!!

Remember my narration of manifestation/the Creative Process in the previous post? Brahma’s Kalpa is this process of manifestation.

Combine this concept with the a Vedic Truth – ||Aham BrahmaAsmi|| and you may understand why we Humans are a primary element of creation itself AND simultaneously the primary objective of creation.

And if any Australians're reading this, you may want to think about the Aborigines' concept of creation - or The Dreaming...

Anyways, back to the story of time – within the cyclic Kalpa exists another unit of time called a Manvanthara – 14 Manvantharas make up a Kalpa. Of course, for each Manvanthara, there exists Manu, who is not the first man (remember, there is no beginning and no end – everything’s a cycle), but is definitely the first one created in THAT Manvanthara to whom the Vedas are summarized as The ManuSmrthi. 1+ 4 = 5 which is the number of Buddhan (Mercury). Buddhan is the Communicator. At each Manvanthara, all knowledge must be COMMUNICATED without words by Brahman to Manu and believe it or not, the simple fact that 14, the Magic Number of Communication, is around – helps with the process. It’s part of the synchronicity of the Universe, dear Seekers. Just like the 9 of Brahma’s lifetime.

Each Manvanthara in turn is made up of 71 ChathurYugas (a ChathurYuga being a cycle of 4 Yugas). 7+1=8 – the Number of Karmic Debt and Time in the Cosmos.

4 Yugas in a ChathurYuga – 4 being the Number of Change and Upheaval. Every Yuga, towards its end, removes most traces of its existence so that the next Yuga virtually starts of ‘brand new’. At the end of a ChathurYuga, of course, the changes are drastic and the paradigm shift is certainly not subtle.

To put this in perspective, we are in the 28th ChathurYuga cycle of the 7th Manvanthara – and our Manu is known as VaiwaswathaManu. The next Manu will be a reincarnation of an Asura King known as MahaaBali (He of the Great Offering) whose rise to higher consciousness is celebrated to this day in Kerala as Ohnum (they spell it differently – I’m merely trying to stay true to the pronounciation).

Till this point, most scholars more or less agree on what I’ve presented here so far. It is usually the actual lengths of Yugas that many disagree.

Most Puranic literature gives mathematical reference to the measure of time… no, I’m not joking. Mathematics, as we know it, originates in The Veda. The smallest unit of time measurement for everyday use is a Nimesham = 1/20th of a second. Astronomical units of time in The Veda go smaller than this, and of course, much bigger than this.

DevaLokem is the realm of many mid-level administrative personnel such as Indra – the controller of the rains, Varuna – the controller of water bodies, Bhoomi Devi – the beloved Mother Earth, and so on forth.

1 year in DevaLokem is about 360 on our Lokem (realm). However, one must remember that the calculation of the Vedic Day varies from the one in popular use today. The Vedics calculated the Precession of the Equinoxes to a precision of several decimal points. No wonder that, for the Decimal number system, the decimal point, the Zero et al come from The Veda itself. What I’m saying is that it’s not the precision of calculations in questions, but rather the actual method.

Many scholars convert the times from Vedic Devaloka years to human years – the problem being that their version of human years is based on the ‘modern’ calendar. In terms of Devaloka years, the first yuga – The Kriya Yuga or the Sathya-Yuga is 4800 years long, the second – The Thretha Yuga (Shri Rama’s time)is 3600 Devaloka years long, the previous Yuga – the Dwapara Yuga which ended exactly when Shri Krishna ceased his physical Avathaaram was 2400 years long. And of course, the Kali Yuga, which we are living out, is 1200 Devaloka years.

If we went by the numbers alone, we would find some pretty long Yugas there – considering that each Devaloka year is about 360 earth years. However, I feel it is the deciphering of the word Devaloka here that makes a difference.

Let me explain – Deva+Loka = The Realm of The Devas. Who are the Devas? Remember earlier I mentioned who the Devas were? They’re kind of mid-level management within the Governance system – and include the heavenly bodies – the planets, Suryan, Chandran etc. So, going by that logic, Deva+Loka Years should be measured BY the Devas – or by using these Devas as units themselves.

Don’t get it? Remember our ancestors had a calendar that measured months as astrological signs and lunar cycles?

The muslims today follow a primitive version of this calendar, as do the Chinese. The Native Americans (Indians? C’mon Colombus you moron!!). The Panchaangam, even today, uses the original Bhaarathic calendar – regardless of what language it is in.

Our clever ancestors certainly hoped that the whites would interpret The Scriptures in a way that would confuse these Mlechhas.

In that calendar, we’re in year 1100-something. I’ll have to ask my mother for details. But I think you get the idea.

Yes, we’re nearing the end of the Kali-Yuga. Who is Kali? We’ll get to that…

Now, for a general description of The Yugas:

The first Yuga in the ChathurYuga is the Kriya or the Sathya Yuga. Sathyam (Truth) is paramount. Everyone follows Vedic Law. Everyone performs his or her duty in society.

There is no Avathaar required to bring righteousness – everyone is already righteous. It’s so perfect that there is no need for Administrators, Kings, Emperors, Armies, Kingdoms or Nations. In this Yuga, a Brahmana’s son is a Brahmana too. Likewise for all Varnas. It’s precision at its best. Justice prevails at its perfection.

There is no need for peace because there is no war. There is no war because there is no injustice or lie. Politics are not necessary because there is no need for a law enforcement agency or a ruler.

The second Yuga is the Thretha Yuga. This is the Yuga of great nations and Kingdoms. Being the second Yuga, all creation is weaker or smaller or lesser by 1/4th. For instance, if human beings were an average of 4 meters tall in the Kriya Yuga, they would be shorter by a 4th, or would be 3 Meters tall instead. If the average IQ was 200, it would come down by a 4th – or would be 150 in this Yuga. This quarterly shrinkage occurs as each Yuga progresses, and by the Kali Yuga, we’re absolute idiots in comparison…lol. As we shall see, however, this is necessary for Karmic purposes.

Lord Shri Rama walked this earth during this Yuga. He was an Avathaar, though. That’s another topic.

Remember that at this stage, honor exists. Even in war, there is honor and dishonor. The world would look down upon those who would not observe honorable practices. Justice was revered, and even Ravana spoke the Truth.

A lot of you may not know this, but Ravanan was a great Shiva Bhaktha – possibly one of the greatest – he was not a really bad person – just an Asura by nature. He was a good man amongst Asuras, actually. He was misled by his sister into committing an act of treachery while thinking most of the time that he was seeking revenge for an insult to his sister. But then, such was his Karma. As a matter of fact, he ended up doing quite well, because to be killed by an Avathaar is akin to a blessing.

All that is another story.

The third Yuga is the Dwaapara Yuga. The Yuga of Great Battles of Righteousness. The Kingdoms of the previous Yuga would evolve into opposing bodies of thought. They would be led astray or led to glory by those who led the Kingdoms.

Lord Shri Krishna and the MahaaBhaaratha occurred during this time. It was in this Yuga, in preparation for the Kali Yuga, that Valmiki, Veda Vyasa and the other Rishis put down in writing what was the first written draft of Vedic Knowledge. Till this point, it was all passed from mind to mind by a Guru or an Acharya in the Gurukula. There were some great Acharyas who were also Gurus.

An Acharya, by definition, taught a skill – or a Vidya. A Guru, on the other hand, imparted wisdom and knowledge – or Gnyaanam. Some great ones, like DronaAcharya, did both.

And then, we have the Kali Yuga. Literally translated, Kali means – dissension, strife. This is the Yuga where the worst karma can be lived out. Those with bad enough Karma make it to this one.

This Yuga is controlled by Kali. Sathyam is the only quality left. All creation is symbolized by a Bull. The Bull stands on four legs – Sathyam, Dharmam, Shauchham and Daanam. Truth, Righteousness, Cleanliness and Charity.

Remember the quarterly reduction of all creation in each Yuga? In the Kali Yuga, humans are only 1/4th as intelligent as they used to be, and of the four legs of the Bull, only Sathyam remains.

SathyamAevaJayathey, NaanHrutham. Only the Truth shall triumph, not untruth. You see, Kali is the son of a Rishi who was in a deep state of penance. An Asura lady (chick with hot pants?) happened to see him in this state, and she realized that he was not in his body. He was in a state of Samaadhi.

Though she knew it was the wrong thing to do, she felt so turned on that she literally raped the Rishi’s body.

Now, remember that Rishis are not human beings. Anyone see the sci-fi movie Species? Yeah, the one with Natasha Henstridge riding that lucky bastard. Did you notice that she gets pregnant in a few minutes or so?

Similar effect here. Except that by now, the Rishi has returned. And was annoyed to find that this woman had decided to be impregnated by him. Naturally he disowned the child. He was a Rishi, and a Rishi cannot have children at random – there’re strict rules for such beings as Gandharvas and Rishis. As a matter of fact, there’re strict rules for each and every being.

Anyways, this child grew up with an inherent hatred of his father, mother and himself. He hated being a bastard. Being the son of a Rishi, he knew exactly what had happened and why it had happened. He was also aware of his powers. However, it is at the advent of the Kali Yuga, that he was given control over Wealth (which was controlled by Kubera till then) and Gold in advertently by Raja Pareekshith – a direct descendent of Lord Krishna.

When the Kali Yuga began, Kali decided that he would annihilate the human race. After all, this was the race that Rishis like his father valued. This was the race that all creation revolved around. His hatred knew no bounds.

Unfortunately, he realized that rituals performed by the Brahmanas in Bhaaratha could thwart his mental powers. Kali could affect people, or even entire societies in a subliminal manner.

He was a thought demon. Imagine the power of a demon who can destroy a man by merely injecting a thought into that man’s mind?

Anyone here see Denzel Washington’s movie Fallen? That demon could control only 1 being at a time. Kali has no such limitations. His understanding of the System at the Rishi-level means that he can manipulate nations rather than individuals.

Realizing this, but knowing that Bhaaratha was protected by the Brahmanas and Purohithas, he left for the west, where the Mlecchas lived.

He passed by the middle-east, and realized that these people didn’t have the Brahmanas to protect them. He identified a good candidate to ‘lead’ the poor fools there. This candidate was a rapist, murderer and a thief, amongst other things. His name was Moses.

It was easy to conquer Moses. Kali merely appeared in a dream to him, and told him he was ‘God’. And that he could 'save' Moses, so that Moses could save everyone else. He enticed this man to the top of a mountain, put on a show of thunder and lightning, and scared the guy till he wet his pants – “I am Yahweh (Jehovah) the one and only God”. Then he gave him a stone tablet that told the people what they already knew, but portrayed the generalized rules that Kali knew would be broken in the Kali Yuga. In other words, Kali marketed guilt to an entire population with a few cheap miracles.

And hence was born Judaism. Jesus was born a Jew, but his story is a little trickier. You see, in all his efforts, Kali always came around as a voice in a dream, or just a voice with some special effects etc.

It was only in the case of Jesus that he actually manifested a human-like body. Joseph was not Jesus’ father. In history, and even in the bible, Joseph and Mary were not a proper husband/wife pair. Mary would essentially sleep with whomever she had to, and Joseph was little more than a glorified pimp who survived with Mary’s sexual favors.

When they were in Egypt, the Pharoah asked them who they were, and Joseph lied to the Pharoah that Mary was his sister. The Pharoah being an energetic fellow, had great sex with Mary for quite some time.

Later on, when Mary and Joseph were taking a walk down to an area that now lies partially in Jordan, partially in Israel and partially in Palestine, Mary had a dream where Kali appeared to her and told her she would have a son named Jesus blah blah blah.

Essentially, what Kali did is known as Paishaacha Vivaaham – or impregnation by the devil. He entered Mary as a thought in a dream, impregnated her and was himself born to her as Jesus.

This probably sounds like Harry Potter all over again, but this is an actual process. A similar process was used by Kunthi Devi (thanks to a blessing from a Rishi)to have the Pandavas – one from each Deva she chose. The difference was that Kunthi Devi was entitled to the blessing, and Kali literally raped his own mother. Okay, so Mary was no virgin. Okay, Mary probably would not have resisted. But still, Kali chose to be his own father. That is a violation of Universal Law.

Anyways, we’ll leave Kali to HIS Karma. But that is why Jesus is a powerful manifestation of Kali. Kali later tried the Moses stunt on another chap called Mohammad. He also pulled a quickie mental thought-injection stunt on Gauthama Siddhartha and another chap called Mahavira. In the last few hundred years he has pulled similar stunts on just about everyone in town.

Kali’s primary tactic is to divide mankind. Being arrogant by nature, he actually states this in the Bible – Luke, Book 12, Verse 49 onwards, I think. You can check it up for yourself.

Every one of the 99 variations of the Bible would have this bit somewhere. 99 types of bibles? Yes, that’s right- and they all say the same rubbish. There are also many types of muslims and Korans.

But let us not involve ourselves in blasphemy. There’s just no point, and it’s a waste of Karmic times. And no, we cannot help our misguided fellowmen who are born into Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism or any other kind of belief system. They must live out their karma.

So must that painfully ignorant bunch of people called Hindus. The word ‘Hindu’ does not occur in any part of the Veda – but they don’t stop for a second to wonder why…

Sad. But such is the nature of the Kali Yuga…and we must live through it. Detachment is a basic requirement. Truth is certainly required – but this is not the same as going around speaking about what you think is the Truth – this is about seeking it within yourself.

Lie if you have to do business, hide facts if you wish to argue with a politician, be politically smart if you wish to build a society – but as long as your intention is righteous, your means are justified. As Napoleon said, you cannot make an omelet without breaking the egg.

All this is Leela – the divine game. In the Kali Yuga, all rules are reversed in our Realm. Honesty is not rewarded. Honor is not a component of war. Being sneaky, on the other hand, is a good way to kick enemy ass – it’s often classified as ‘strategy’ lol.

So play the game in the Kali Yuga, seek the Truth, and have no fear. The trick the playing the game right is not to let anyone know you’re playing it.

Figure out the last one yourselves…remember, Chathurangam, or Chess as it is now called, is a Vedic pastime.

Om Shivaya Namaha


  1. Hi ELFIE,
    First, thanks for this post. I like your efforts in spreading your knowledge to others, really appreciate it.
    I am same guy who asked you before about the science world, which claims to have found new galaxies, which claims that animals like T-rex lived millions of years ago, which claims that man orginated from monkeys... and so on. I am not sure if science is wrong(which is hard to beleive) or i am mis-interpreting such facts wrongly... I'm confused :(.

    Also I wanted to know what is the ultimate purpose of all this, why the Absolute sleeps and awakens, why so many Manvantharas, Yugas, long story short, why so many cycles.

    Eagerly waiting for your reply and next post...

  2. Elfie,

    Thanks a lot for your post, and reply.

    The website above seems to suggest that there was a period of 10,000 years in Kali Yuga which is supposed to be a golden age. After which the worst side would come out. This sounds similar to all the ascension stuff prophesized by other cultures.

    The website also seemed to say that people of higher consciousness would just leave the Earth plane, and enter higher planes of lighter density, which makes me wonder whether there is any difference in the validity of the cycle of yugas for different planes or whether it applicable for a specific universe as such.

    What is confusing is the fact that, if I can change my reality, as I am god myself, can I change the cycle of yugas as well, and thus change the immediate neighbourhood of my reality in space-time which is devoid of Kali's influence. I hope you are able to understand the thought frame which I am trying to put out for some clarification.

    Thanks a lot for your post again,


  3. Dear Vivi,

    Knowledge does not belong to anyone. It is an entity of its own. It will, on its own, find those who have earned the Karmic right to know. Various consciousness inhabit this earth - Humans, Dogs, Cats, Rishis and so on - and within humans, there're several levels or kinds of Karmic consciousnesses.

    All I aim to do here is provide Jignasues (Seekers) with some conceptual archetypes. These archetypes, once imbibed, by their own power enable higher levels of perception, and a better perspective on Dharma (Righteousness).

    As for science, hmmm...there is a lot of information to be taken with a pinch of salt. Nikola Tesla discovered how to power homes with electricity straight out of the earth - for free. Thomas Alva Edison's sponsors destroyed poor Tesla's lab and his life's work. The poor man died with a broken heart.

    More recently, about 35 years ago, Cleve Backster proved that plants communicated via telepathy, and distance, space and time were almost irrelevant in their mode of communication.

    Science is essentially a proposal by biologists, physicists and other scientists to explain the crazy precision of all creation.

    If the Earth had been a few meters closer to the Sun, it would be impossible for life as we know it to 'scientifically' exist. Likewise if the Earth had been even a 100 meters further away, the same stands true.

    You seem to be a student of the sciences...hmmm. I'm sure you know some basic physics, at least. Or perhaps Chemistry? You may find this interesting - most laws of Physics begin to break down at a molecular level, and most of it doesn't make sense at a sub-atomic level. 'Matter', as we see it, is mostly empty space at an atomic level...

    In Chemistry, you may have come across Heisenberg's uncertainty principle - which observes that it is impossible to predict the exact location of an electron in a given orbital, or when that electron makes a 'quantum' leap into another orbital.

    Strangely enough, these are principles described in texts dealing with Maya in The Veda.

    Essentially, there are many observations that tally repeatedly - for instance, 'science' tells us that excercising is the best way to keep ourselves fit.

    Ayurvedic texts dealt with everything from brain surgery to a holistic view of human health.

    Sciences is based on the idea that what can be observed, measured and empirically recorded is valid. So, science cannot identify a 'being', but can only observe external characteristics of beings that Science can perceive. Human auras were laughed at by 'scientists' until Kirlian cameras came along.

    The Veda makes no claim, but merely shows a Seeker what needs to be looked is a vast scripture, which, if it existed in complete written form today, would take one 300 years to master...

    I'm not claiming that Ancient Scriptures are an answer to everything. What I'm saying is that you should dig deeper to actually determine what 'science' has 'proven', and decide for yourself. you may notice that a lot of scientific 'certainties' are not really that certain.

    a couple of decades ago, Cancers were thought to arise from cell mutation via radioactive rays or genetic defects. Now, many kinds of cancers have been found to be caused by micro-organisms, and legal drugs such as Nicotine and Alcohol.

    Science cannot understand how a 1% difference in the genetic make-up can differentiate Humans from Monkeys/Apes etc.

    Science will catch up with knowledge from Lord Brahma - the Creator - himself. I'm sure it will - given that the human spirit powers it.

    But I'm not waiting till then to find answers to questions that have already been answered - simply no point in re-inventing the wheel. Such is my Karma. However, if my Karma was to find a cure for Brain Tumors, I would do so with the only means I had in-hand - Scientific Research.

    It's just that something as subtle as a consciousness could take science a very long time to observe, perceive and measure.

    Warmest regards...

  4. Dear Santhip,

    A closer read of Knapp's page will reveal many many inconsistencies. He talks of Vedic information in the same strain as someone talking about religion.

    Beliefs, faiths etc. are not Vedic material. "the Hare Krishna maha-mantra" - Hmmm. I like the way he puts it. I wonder why he does not mention that by definition, the name of an Avathaara is a manthra in itself.

    Perhaps he should also describe what a Manthra is...

    Another fact we should not lose sight of is that Knapp is a Mleccha, and his consciousness is infected by Kali/Jesus. He can almost not perceive what a Bhaaratha can - as Bhaarathas, we are genetically different from Mlecchas.

    We are able to percieve what most of mankind cannot- unless we are infected by Kali. While we cannot escape living in his Yuga, most of us are Karmically safe from extreme infections such as Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity or Islam.

    Remember that Bhaarathas originally included various races, such as the Parasikas (fair skinned Iranians - before they got infected by Islam), Cheenas (the South East Asians - Nepalese, Tibetans, Koreans, Vietnamese, Burmese, Cambodians, Indonesians etc.), Yadavas (brown & fair skinned populations of Uttharakhand, modern Utthar Pradesh, The Punjab, Mewar, Maharashtra, Orissa), Dravidas (Those from the south of the Vindhyas - Cheras, Cholas, Pandyas, Sinhalas/Sri Lankans etc.) and the Yavanas (Mediterranian/Greek - before they were infected by Jesus)

    The Mlechhas, however, are those who've never had the capability to understand The Supreme. Their greatest level of thought involves conjecture, belief, faith etc. In other words, they are prone to superstition.

    I'm not saying 'modern' Bhaarathas are immune to superstition - or related idiocies. It's more the degree of inclination.

    This is the Kali Yuga, and everything is upside down...

    I'm sure Knapp is definitely topsy turvy and jesus-infected in his views. Of course, that is my opinion, and you should judge for yourself.

    However, you've brought to my notice that a lot of us do not understand what an Avathaara is...would you be interested to find out?

    I think that if you knew the definition of an Avathaara, you would not be swayed by psuedo saints and silly statements that suggest jesus is an avathaara, or that Mohammad is an Avathaara or that Gautama Siddhartha was an Avathaara...

    An Avathaara is NOT a messiah/prophet/seer/messenger or 'son of god'. God, as a concept, does not exist in The Veda...remember?

    Let me know, and I shall put up an appropriate post soon.

    Warmest regards, and continue with your quest, my friend - for only he who seeks shall find.

  5. Elfie,

    Thanks for your reply, I used to check for your reply every day after I posted my query. Guess you were busy.

    I really appreciate your tireless effort in giving detail replies to everyone's query.

    To be honest, I am an Atheist, but after reading your blogs I feel that there is no Atheism or Theism.

    So as you said I have started to SEEK the Truth. As a start I have started to browse about Vedas and read some books on them (books by Ramkrishan Mission... etc;).
    I am also looking for an oppurtunity to learn Sanskrit and Vedas from a Guru, but being abroad I think it may be a difficult task.

    Is there any pointers that you think may help me?

    Thanks again for your reply,

  6. Hi Elfie,

    Thanks for your reply, and your encouragement. Appreciate a lot.

    I have never known that there is a mantra associated with an Avatar. I humbly request you to elucidate what exactly an Avatar is.



  7. Hi Elfie,

    I came across this video, in which the speaker share her experience of an elated state of mind (something like the metastate).

    And I tought it very much implies that we are part of the Absolute and makes me think if this is what the Yogis & Rishis feel when they meditate.

    Sorry if I am bothering you too much... but I thought you are the right person to discuss this.

    You can mail me @ {this part of the comment has been edited as per contritubor's request - eLFie}


  8. Dear Vivi,

    I had to entirely re-type your comment and post it - this blog service doesn't allow me to edit comments. I can either publish them or reject them, that's it.

    Having said that, it's a pleasure- considering that you are seeking what every Manushya should. I hope the others enjoy the video :)

    When you invoke knowledge from the Universe, The Universe will respond. Desire...merely desire - is probably the most powerful of Human emotions - and a desire to know will bring forth a response from The Universe, nay, from Lord Brahma The Preceptor himself.

    Being a Bhaaratha, you will know when the information is correct. when you realize it is, take a deep breath with your eyes closed...feel the power of that knowledge, and carry on - knowing that Eashwaran smiles within you.

    Righteousness and Unrighteousness will jump out at you, as you realize what is what. Remember to practice detachment from what you perceive.

    Books on EQ will help - as they are a detailed explanation of detachment and managing emotional energy.

    If you have time, practise AshtaangaYogaSoothra. Else, simply working out your stress at the local gym will do the trick.

    To protect my identity amongst other things, I would rather all questions and comments be directed to this blog. If you so require it, I shall answer your queries without publishing your comments.

    It's not that I doubt you, but emailing any member of this discussion can prove life-threatening to me and my family.

    Warmest regards

  9. Dear Santhip,

    This week is going to be a busy week for me, as usual. I apologise for the delay in reply, as always.

    I shall, indeed, put up a post on Avathaars - who they are, and what they mean.

    I certainly hope it helps you.

    Your humility is worthy of applause. Humility is a primary requirement when one wishes to attain knowledge.

    Traditionally, Dakshina was placed at the feet of the Guru, and the Guru would then either accept or reject the Shishya.

    In this case, though, I'm no Guru. I'm merely a friendly Jignaasu - A Seeker of Truth.

    And naturally, I shall aid my fellow students in their efforts :)

    Look forward to my post mid-week or latest by the coming weekend.

    Again, I wish time would permit me to do this sooner...I shall do my best to put up the post at the earliest possible.

    Your interest, as always, is heart-warming, and it is a pleasure to see a Seeker of Knowledge in action.

    The Kali-Yuga is a time when you have to sometimes disobey your parents to fulfil your Karma. Sometimes, you may have to keep some Truths to yourself.

    It'd certainly be a mistake to talk to a Muslim or a Christian and try to educate him/her. At best, you could lose a friend, and at worse, you could get killed - and your family would suffer.

    Discretion and prudence are always good friends to have.

    Keep well, and experience thyself.

    Warmest regards

  10. Dear Elfie,
    The more I ponder upon knowing the truth, more questions arises in me.

    I humbly request you to post a blog on Karma and Consciousnes after your next blog.

    I am eagerly waiting for your next blog on Avathars...


  11. Hi Elfie,

    I feel extremely grateful to you for your blog. I searched for your blog after having come across a discussion on Aghoris that involved you on a different blog.

    I was hoping to request you to make me an offer that you made on that blog to "Anonymous"; that of chatting on gmail. I sure could use some words of guidance/direction/advice from you.


  12. Hi Vivi,

    It is an honor to answer queries from true seekers, and I shall strive to provide narratives as accurate as possible.

    In my last reply, I didn't tell you why I preferred not to chat - I've had a few serious threats to my family's safety - from both Christian and Muslim factions, and have decided to maintain secrecy regarding my identity, at this point.

    I'm not sure whether I have posted anything yet on Karma and Consciousness specifically -but I have described our origins in Eashwara, and how Karmically our counsciousness is blocked in its awareness levels. I'll double-check, and if required, certainly put up a post on the matter...

    Warmest regards

  13. Dear Darpann,

    I did once make that offer because I was all worked up for a discussion.

    However, remember, Knowledge is inherent in you as a Bhaaratha - don't take anyone's advise in the Kali Yuga.

    I've had threats made to my family's safety recently, and as such, would rather maintain my anonimity - I do hope you'll understand.

    Put forth any question you have - and I shall answer to the best of my abilities.

    If you actually read through my older posts, you'll find a fair bit of info. Try reading upwards from the second or third posts...which you'll find if you scroll to the bottom of the Home Page.

    I shall be putting up a post regarding Avathaars over the next few hours - I'm working on it right now - I hope you enjoy your journey through this blog :)

    Warmest regards

  14. Dear Elfie,

    Thanks for your advice about advice (meta advice ;) )

    Yes, I certainly am enjoying reading through your posts. I do intend to read all posts starting from the first one.

    I wonder if you read the following blogs and contribute to the discussion there:


  15. I forgot to add in my earlier post that my interest in chatting with you stemmed from "self centredness". I have some queries that are personal.I too am in Oz; but only temporarily and I am having a bit of trouble deciding my next steps and was wondering if chatting with someone like you about myself would help.

    But I understand your position as well.

  16. Dear Darpann,

    My apologies on the late reply. It's been a hectic week. I will probably get around to visiting the sites you've mentioned only over the weekend.

    You sound like a smart guy. I could almost bet you've been all over the website.

    If you need further help, let me know - I may be able to point you in the right direction.

    But please don't get me to explain everything to you if it's just one of your options, and you're on of those people who likes getting 3 tons of information just for the sake of collecting it - no offense intended.

    Have you evaluated your eligibility for immigration? done a points test? spoken to a lawyer etc?

    Let me know.

    Warmest regards,

  17. Hey Elfie,

    Thanks for your reply and offer of help. But my query was not regarding immigration.

    Far from it, I wanted to have a chat with someone regarding my next steps regarding spirituality. Kind of in a bind now regarding next steps wrt personal life and pursuing spirituality and was inclined to chat up with a kind and helpful person like you who seems well versed in the Vedic scriptures.

    But since chatting is not possible, it's fine. I hope to see more of your posts though.


  18. My dear Darpann,

    I thoroughly misunderstood your query, I think. My apologies.

    When you mentioned you were in Oz and were contemplating your next steps, I, in my haste, got to the wrong conclusion.

    Chatting online is certainly not an option. My family's security is at risk.

    However, I invite you to ask personal questions in the comments section.

    I shall either answer your questions in a post or in a comment - as per the question.

    Remember that many of us have similar questions about various circumstances in our lives.

    Also, this being a discussion area where no one judges anyone,there is a good chance others could provide valuable information.

    Do not underestimate the versatility of the human mind.

    Warmest regards

  19. Dear Elfie,
    In your earlier post you mention that you think we are in the "WE live in the 14th Manvanthara " , but in this post you mention that we are in our "28th ChathurYuga cycle of the 7th Manvanthara" .
    Can you shed some clarity on this, not that it makes any diffrence to what "I am" now but I am trying to realize the facts/truth of manifistation .
    Also can you tell me if the system of Horoscope that is currently in use in southern part of BAratha can be reffered to as a Vedic horoscope..if not can you suggest any place on the net or elsewere were one could get a Vedic horoscope drawn.

  20. Dear Elfie ,
    Is it possible for you to give your view on this link about yugas


  21. Hi Elfie,

    I have read your comments about the Aghor vidya and aghories on another blog. I came to this blog to seek your help on certain problems that i am facing currently. I have been suffering from various dreams for the past six months now which have induced sleep walking and recently puking blood in me. I am not sure if you can help me find some aghori who can help me but I had to give it a shot because as per all the muslim, hindu, bengali people i have met, I am close to my term and proceeding towards death at a fast pace. I am a strong person mentally but my physical strength is getting low now.

    I would highly appreciate if you can reply to my mail id instead of this blog spot.

