Sunday, April 26, 2009

What in the world is an Avathaar? Or, as it’s fashionably spelled nowadays, an ‘Avatar’?

Based on whether you use an ‘avatar’ for your web messenger or your social website, or whether you’re a Vaishnava, or a fashionable Buddhist-inclined ‘modern’ Hindu, your concept of what an Avathaaram is can be quite vague, if not misguided- unless you’re a Vedic and a Bhaaratha (in which case, this should be an entertaining read for you).

Let’s face it – you can’t blame The Internet, Microsoft, American voters, the Muslim bastards, the Christian imbeciles or the British Raj if you do not actually make the effort to find out for yourself what the word means…

So what is an Avathaar? An incarnation? What is an incarnation? Amongst other definitions incl. Christian ones, most dictionaries define an Incarnation thus: A bodily manifestation of a supernatural being.

How accurate do you think that is? Hmmm. So according to ‘Hindu’ literature, one of the ‘gods’ called Vishnu decides to get a flight down to Earth to save our asses every now and then. He takes on a human-like form that is called an Avathaar, er…sorry, Avatar.

Pshaw!! You might as well define Karma as Newton’s Third Law or embrace the Aryan Invasion theory. That kind of perspective is about as true as the notion of Mohammad being a ‘chosen’ prophet.

Anyways, we won’t go into the propaganda of false prophets at this point.

Let’s get on with the concept of an Avathaar...

Yes! An Avathaar is a concept. Just like Freedom is a concept. Just like the Judeo-Christo-Islami idea of ‘God’ is a concept – albeit misguided and silly. Just like Equality of men and women is a concept…

Remember the posts where I’ve put forth the concept of creation itself?

Quick recap – there’s the Supreme Being – a Being with no desire, with no thoughts, no attributes, and no emotion. This Being is pure consciousness – it is purely aware of everything, and thereby, of itself – it IS everything by itself. There is no other. To understand the reason this Being sets Time (Devi MahaaKaali – an entity within which exists Kaalam – the passage of Time) to start ticking, and The Being brings forth manifestation and creation, it is said that every consciousness must return to it’s pre-Karmic state of awareness.

This Being has states of sleep and wakefulness. When it wakens, the process begins. Since the Being sleeps and wakens alternately, there is NO beginning, nor is there an end. There are merely cycles within cycles within cycles. I think I described this in detail in the post about Yugas…

I hope that brings to mind the concept of Time and the cyclic nature of processes. In the midst of these processes, Manifestation occurs – The Absolute Being – The Supreme Consciousness – splits itself. Remember, when you’re Absolute, you can split into a thousand pieces, and each piece is a COMPLETE you. So, in the interests of Governance of the System, The Being’s manifestation as The SadaaShivam brings forth Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, and about 900 Million entities that govern the system in which Manushya is created.

Complicated eh? Well, remember I was telling you in another post that it takes about 300 years of dedicated study to master The Veda? Hehehe…now you know ;)

Let’s take a look at Lord Vishnu. His duties are varied…and his Shakthi is Lakshmi Devi – the entity that personifies Prosperity (remember: Prosperity is different from Wealth, though it may include Wealth).

MahaaVishnu – his task is To Protect. Protect what? From whom?

He protects The Universe by sustaining the processes that The Universe entails. And sometimes he protects it from itself- from Adharma, or Unrighteousness. In other words he protects Dharma.

What is Dharma? Righteousness. Eh? And what’s that?! If I tried to define it here, it would take a whole book. Let me try to give you a picture though…

Remember, right and wrong are words that apply to little things – such as the right way to drive a car, or the wrong way to bake a cake. When considering vast subtleties like consciousness and Manushya, we talk in terms of Righteousness.

Example: It is a soldier’s Dharma and Duty to fight to protect his nation. He may have to kill, lie, cheat, strategize or manipulate to do so, but he must do so in order to fulfill his duty. He does NOT incur negative Karma for killing in battle etc. for he is fulfilling his Dharma.

A closer lOOK: If you’re a son/daughter in a mid-level Vaishya family – you have duties towards your Pithra (Father), Maathra (Mother), and siblings. You have duties towards the Society. Towards your neighbors. Towards not-so-Karmically aware members of the society such as Chandaalas or Shudras. You also have duties towards your Kingdom, your King, the Brahmanas who uphold principles in your community and so on forth.

When you take what you’re not entitled to, you’re breaking a Dharmic principle. However, if you’re a King protecting his nation, and lie to an enemy King, and conceal the enemy King’s weapons or bribe his soldiers, you’re actually fulfilling your Dharma as a King.

Did that bring a frown to your face? Think again. Dharma exists at a personal level, at a familial level, at a social level, at a national level, at the levels of various worlds – DevaLoka, Bhoomi etc. and at a Universal Level – Lord Yama Himself. Lord Yama, as a principle, is protected by Lord Vishnu – as is Lord Vishnu’s duty.

I hope all you readers remember the concept of the Absolute…I have detailed it in many ways in many of the previous posts.

If you’re not familiar with it, please read and read again until you can visualize an Absolute form that can be split into a billion forms without any compromise to its nature – each and every one of those billion pieces is a complete absolute – as complete as Eashwaran – the Absolute Being.

Now, we are each one of those billion or more pieces. The consciousness within every bird, quadruped, ape, worm, butterfly, shrub, alga, tree, bacterium, drop of water, atom of sand, grain of stone, blade of grass and electronic charge is as Absolute as Eashwaran himself.

So now, imagine – all of creation is Eashwaran. The Absolute Being is Eashwaran. Easwharan is everything, and is also nothing – because nothing is what is left when everything is taken away, and that nothing is Eashwaran itself.

Is that a difficult image to hold? Every galaxy, every planet, every star, every comet, every cubic micrometer of space, every light year measurable, every breath, every unit of light, every unit of energy – everything that was, is, and will be à Eashwaran. The Absolute.

Now, return to a small part of creation – small, but primary – Manushya. Whenever Manushya, who represents the blueprint engineering block upon which all creation is built, is engulfed by Adharma, and Dharma is beginning to fall apart – and is held by a string or two…at that point, Eashwaran – all consciousness, all creation, all the un-manifest, all reality, and all energy, focus via Lord Vishnu to be manifested in a Single Human-Like physical form.

And THIS form is called an Avathaara(m).

There are powerful humans who’re influenced directly by Lord Vishnu himself, but are not the same. Though some scholars do refer to them as Avathaaras, they’re not.

The Avathaara is a form that exhibits what Manushya is capable of in his/her ultimate form.

The manifestation of the Avathaara is so powerful, and so universal, that the mere mention of an Avathaar’s name brings forth a blessing from the Universe.

Lord ParishuRama was an Avathaara in this sense. Having said that, he was quite a character. .. Born a Brahmana he took forh the task of Kshathriyas, and wiped out generations of Kshathriya kings. What started off as a quest to wipe out corrupt rulers turned into a bloody clean-up operation lasting generations.

Another instance, Lord Krishna was an Avathaara- but he was not the first person to be named Krishna. Krishna – pronounced Kŕshna. But after the occurrence of that Avathaara, the word Krishna itself became a Manthra.

Manthras….the power of Sound. Brahmanas use Manthras. Mothers use Manthras to protect babies, and even the cry of the peacock is a Manthra.

The more powerful of Manthras are scripted in Smskrth. When chanted by Brahmanas during specific rituals, these Manthras are capable of mind-boggling effects.

They can induce rain – they can wipe a nation off the map. They can imbibe blessings for a nation, and to this day, Bhoomi Devi would cease to rotate around herself if the two thousand or so Unknown Brahmanas stop chanting their Manthras and discontinued their rituals unbeknownst to all us blissfully ignorant Manushyas…

For the ‘scientific’ minds – without the earth’s axial rotation, the earth’s electromagnetic field would cease to exist. The dynamo-effect of rotating semi-liquid mantle rotating around a core (solid inner, liquid outer) that creates the earth’s electromagnetic field would be gone. Even if the outer crust continued moving with accrued momentum, solar winds and electromagnetic radiation would kill us all. Of course, if the rotation stopped, we’d all be thrown into outer space with the resulting inertia.

Anyways, Manthras can be designed for each specific person based on his/her Vedic horoscope. Manthras can be as simple as Om Shivaaya Namaha (Om Namaha Shivaaya is reserved for Brahmins and special practices). Merely chanting an Avathaaram’s name will bring in powerful universal vibes.

Try it out. And for a detailed read of Avathaaras, try

I must warn you all, however, that translations, though well meaning, are always inaccurate, and badly translated. This is essentially from the difficulty of finding English equivalent for complex Samskrth concepts, and in many cases from the translator’s bad understanding of the accuracies of the English language. For instance, I quote the from the link above:

“Brahma accordingly created two beings from his body, one was male and the other was female. The male half was named Svayambhuva Manu and the female half was named Shatarupa.”

In this case, the Translator deigns to mention that none of these beings are human beings. Svayambhuva Manu is Samskrth for ‘Self-Realizing Mind’. Obviously this is not a human entity – but the web page does give the reader the impression that all these are people except for Lord Brahma. Shatharupa is Samskrth for “She of a hundred forms”. Again, it’s obvious that she’s not a human lady.

I have been exposed to Samskrth, and find it easier than most to understand what even these terrible translations mean. But most people end up being misled…

However, read intelligently, and there is still a lot of wisdom to be salvaged – after all, SathyamAeva Jayathey…

Also, note many elements of Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion in their original, unaltered, and true form – The Pralaya – the flood, the boat (Noah’s ark? C’mon Jesus, you could have written a more original book, you bastard!!) And the story of creation narrated by Matsya Avathaaram (Lord Vishnu- of course) – does the word ‘genesis’ from the bible book ring a bell?

Ahaa……Thought so ;)

Do meditate on the concept of an Avathaara. Understand through your own inner experience why the word ‘Rama’ or the word ‘Shri Krishna’ stirs a primeval feeling of power within you… I mean, just try it. Ensure Mommy, Daddy, little Bubblie, the family dog Jingo and the neighbor’s wife do not disturb you.

Lay down a strict rule.
Turn off your mobile hand-phone

Do you have a tape-recorder? A Dictaphone? A computer with a microphone?

Read out everything below in your own voice. Stop at the full stops, pause at the commas. Emphasize wherever you feel it necessary. Record yourself reading the instructions below…then play back your recording and follow YOUR own instructions. If you want to feel the difference between the name of an Avathaara used as a chant, and an ordinary word, first try these instructions, then repeat them, another day, with a word like 'Apple', 'Magnet' or 'Wall'

Close your eyes. Sit down with your legs folded under you, and your back erect. As erect as you can position it without undue effort. It must be a relaxed position – perfection of posture is not the objective.

Hold your hands out, with the palms facing upwards…fold your index finger so that it can touch the thumb…and relax your arms. Let them just lie there – with no effort.

If you need to lean on a flat wall while sitting so, that’s fine.

Straighten your neck. You should be looking straight ahead. What do you see? A wall? Your bookshelf? A Window? The curtains? A painting?

It doesn’t matter. Stare at whatever you see…then, start breathing – feel your breathing – in-out-in-out.

Feel it? Good…continue until you’re comfortable breathing…don’t stop. It should be automatic, but feel the breath – feel your abdominal muscles moving in and out. Your chest should not move at all. Essentially the muscles in your abdomen push air out of your lungs when you breathe out, and when you relax those muscles, your lungs pull in air.

Air is that element through which you take in Prana. Prana is NOT air, but is an electromagnetic energy that flows in via the air you take in.

You may now notice that you can feel the Pranic energy flow in and out of your system.

At this point, close your eyes. Continue as before. When you’re ready, with each outer breath – or exhalation, say ‘Om Shivaaya Namaha’ or ‘Om Namo Bhagavathey VaasuDevaaya Namaha’.

Continue for as long as you wish. Do not be surprised by the sensation – simply accept it as your birthright, and continue. When you’re ready to, stop chanting. Continue breathing…and open your eyes whenever you wish.


  1. Elfie,

    Thanks a lot for your post on Avathaar. I must admit that everytime I end up reading your posts, I go like, why the hell am I in a university setting and learning "science" and "engineering" when there are much deeper things in the heritage of Bharath, which can change one's own personal world using mantras and knowledge of one's self.

    There are a couple of thoughts which emerged when I read through your blog.

    1. I did not quite understand why you thought Parashurama isn't an Avathaar.

    2. When I was discussing with a friend of mine during the beginning of my journey for knowledge, he told me that the sequence of Avathaars, as in Matsya (Fish), koorma ( tortoise), varaha (land animals),Narasimha(man+animal), vamana(short man) ,Parashu Rama(man), Sri Rama( Civilzed Man), Balarama ( Farming Man), Krishna ( diplomatic man), seemed to correspond with the evolution of life from sea faring animals, to amphibians, to animals to man to civilzed man, and a social being. That was a mere parallel line drawn I suppose. But would appreciate your thoughts on this.

    3. If an Avathaar indeed is the highest state that can be achieved by a man, then what is preventing an ordinary human being from achieving it ?

    Again, Thank you for your post. Hope to hear from you soon.



  2. Hi
    I am still not thro the flood of information from your blog on Caste system . This one is intresting ......
    I am in no hurry.Let all this sink in .There is so much I would like to add , talk and fight over...
    In the meanwhile I am trying to look for some one who I could learn Samskrth from ..


  3. Hi
    Can you explain this remark "Lord ParishuRama was not exactly an Avathaara in this sense. "


  4. Dear Elfie,

    I was going through various avathars from the link given by you and it was mentioned there that the 9th avathar as "Buddha". I thought, as you said, that Budhha was a mis-guided Baraatha who found his own religion.
    So what was the real 9th avathar?

    Warm Regards,

  5. Hi Santhip and Mei,

    I apologize. In my haste to put up the post, I typed in wrong material.

    Lord ParishuRama was indeed an Avathaaram. He preceded Lord Shri Rama, if I remember right.

    And Mei, yes, we are in the 7th, and not the 14th. Thank you for noticing. Also, with regard to the Caste System, simply observe those around you. You will notice Shudras. You'll notice those VERY passionate about their land - Kshathriyas. You'll notice the natural teachers who're peaceful by nature - Brahmanas, though they'll be few of them. You'll notice those who think in terms of stock, inventory and customers. The Vaishyas.

    My partner's eyes well with tears as she proudly speaks of the Land of Pahlavis (who spoke Pars, and nowadays mostly run out of Iran - away from the Islamic exploitation) overrun by the Mughals - she describes them as animals. I swear given a gun she'd walk right up the the President of Iran and blow his head off - THAT is passion, and after I told her this, we recently checked her varna - and truly enough, she is a Kshathriya.

    By Astrological Varna, I'm a Brahmana, but I'm born into a Vaishya family. Such is the Kali Yuga. I was brought up to eat meat. Until I was 10 or so, I thought the only way to eat food was with a fork and a knife.

    Still, I am unable to show anger against the Mlechhas - be they Mughals, Mongols, Europeans or Arabs. I am constantly aware that these Mlecchas are driven by Kali, or Jesus or Mohammad. And I'm aware of what he can do to their minds.

    I also know that feeling anger and hatred only help Kali win - so I play the Leela almost naturally.

    Of course, there is no doubt that sometimes the Leela plays with me :)

    Mei, let me remind you that I never ask any of you to believe anything I put up here. Rather, I humbly beg that you observe the world around you. As your consciousness changes, so will your awareness. Like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, you shall start noticing patterns you never noticed before. You'll 'see' people and events as you've never done before.

    In apology toward my mistakes, I shall say that I do not have any Vedic resources at my disposal. What I quote, I quote from memory. My memories come from years spend traveling the expanse of The Holy Land. I haven't seen my Land in a decade. So do pardon my lapse, I plead.

    In response to your thoughts on why one must pursue apparently meaningless 'study', Santhip, remember this is a Leela. What you learn in university merely constitute Vidhya - Skill. It does not constitute Jnyaanam or Gnyaanam - however you choose to spell it.

    To battle the enemy, one must know what the enemy knows, and then be able to think like the enemy.

    Learn to think like Kali. Understand the strings that hold the economy. Remember that currency values and the stock markets are mechanisms purely based on speculation - there are no REAL standards. With the Gold Standard for Currencies being left behind 60 years ago, Kali successfully separated Wealth from Gold.

    To answer your other query, Santhip, The difference between myself, you, Mei, Vivi, the other seekers here, and the rest of humanity, as you may have noticed - is merely Karmic.

    Karma changes your levels of consciousness.

    When YOU 'descend' into Bhoomi to breathe life into the body you call Mei, or Santhip, or eLFie, YOU pass through 2 'layers' of Maya - ShivaMaya, and VihnuMaya.

    ShivaMaya hides the knowledge of who you are - your true nature - your origin - from your conscious reality.

    You simply take things at face value from that point.

    Then, Lord Vishnu rubs VishnuMaya in - and you forget past lives, past relationships, past sorrows, past joys, past Karma...

    Rishis, and some Brahmanas are able to break through VishnuMaya (Kali a. k. a. Moses/Jesus/Buddha/Mohammad can), but only beings who exist at the level of an Avathaaram can break through ShivaMaya - it is indeed VERY powerful.

    Meditation on the Singular 'Om' can potentially give you a whiff of the Shiva Level of existence - or the Avathaaric state of vision.

    The bunch of chaps who call themselves the Hare Krishnas, who talk about Krshna Consciousness refer to this level of existence.

    Unfortunately, they do not realize that there is a reason most people do not exist at this level - KARMA - the great illusionist who unfolds truth within another great artist - MahaaKaali - or the Element of Time itself.

    Vivi - to answer your question - the Lord Balarama was an Avathaaram, and hence, Lord Krishna was the 9th Avathaaram (Remember, the Avathaaram is Absolute). Though many texts do not describe Lord Balarama's status as an Avathaaram, he truly was, and his task was much more daunting than Lakshmana's, or Bharatha's tasks as Shri Rama's brothers.

    Avathaaras can be accompanied by their 'own' selves in other bodies to support their missions.

    However, in Lord BalaRama's case, he was an Avathaara in his own right. Puranas describe his birth, and it's unusual nature. His powers, though, are not the focus of many a story.

    I must mention, though, that in many a manthra, both their names are mentioned together for a reason.

    Vivi, remember that when I posted that link, I asked you to take all information with a pinch of salt. Translations are inaccurate.

    Avathaarams must be manifest purely for the reason of quashing injustice. The Buddha is a cosmic being who is born and reborn in many forms.

    Unfortunately, Gauthama Siddhartha was NOT one of those forms. Anyone who asks you to sit still and ignore your duties when Unrighteousness stares at you in the face is merely influenced by Kali.

    Siddhartha deserted his family in a selfish pursuit to get rid of his own pain at watching others' suffering. Suffering is merely in the eye of the beholder - as is beauty. It is Maya. It does not exist.

    Only YOU, I - Aham - exists. The Being - Eashwaran - is the only real existence. All else is Maya as reflected by the Universal Mind. Including your bodies. My body. My laptop. The Internet. War. Love.
    All are illusionary insofar as True Reality is concerned. They merely exist to facilitate Karma - the great equalizer.

    Remember, an Avathaaram is NOT a highly conscious human being. An Avathaaram is a highly specialized manifestation with a singular objective.

    That objective is not to save human lives - it is to vanquish Adharma. In such a quest great Bhakthas are often sacrificed for the universal upholding of Dharma. Ravana is one such example - one of the most powerful Shiva-Bhakthas ever, his Karma caused him to take his sister's lie as the Truth, and led to his destruction. Ironically, as he was killed by an Avathaaram, he attained Moksham.

    Never even try to understand how Karma remains fair. It is almost beyond our grasp to relate what we think is fair to Universal Righteousness. Karma is Anaadhi.

    Samskrth is today scripted with the Devanagiri script. While a little of the meaning is lost when scripts are changed to the 'modern' Devanagiri script, you will still gain a LOT, Mei.

    However, watchout for your teacher's grasp of the English language.

    For instance, many a teacher will not be able to portray the difference between Vidhya and Gnyaanam in English.

    The ability to portray a concept is fundamental to the teaching of a conceptual language.

    If any of you are Systems Analysts or Programmers, you may understand what I say.

    Unless you understand the diagrammatical concepts of a flowchart - decision boxes, processes, start/stop points etc, the underlying principles of UML cannot be fully taught to you. However, you'll still be able to apply UML in a real-world environment.

    One must almost be able to 'feel' the concept, so I think. But then, that is my humble opinion.

    You are capable and intelligent beings. You shall all find your respective ways.

    Warmest regards

  6. Dear Mei,

    On the note of Astrology.

    First, JyothiShasthram (The Science of Light, lit. trans.) has been cursed in this Yuga. Therefore, even the best of interpreters will be held back by the curse of the Age.

    Second, The Planets merely incline. This is not because they are not accurate, but that
    the same event can happen at many levels, and the Planets do NOT specify these levels.

    Example - you may have a Yogam to 'Drive a Mercedes'. However, if you're in the UAE, Germany or , you could end up being a Taxi Driver. Do you know what I'm saying? However, were you in Oz, you'd probably be an upper middle class executive, or an underground denizen, or even a prosperous entreprenuer.

    The North Indian and the South Indian versions of the Jaathakam (Lit. Trans. Narration) differ in the way they present certain factors.

    Which perspective one must take is a matter of personal choice, I guess.

    This is a free service run by a Bhaaratha whom I do not know, but deeply respect.

    Please do take a read, and remember, the author of those pages is as influenced by the Kali Yuga as you or I are. So don't expect any miracles :) Remember 'Yogam' translates to 'eligibility' - not all those who're eligible get a job.

    Deepest regards

  7. Hi Elfie,

    Thank you for your reply.

    All your words are filled with knowledge, and throws more light into a lot of areas, thus expanding myself everytime I read them. Thank you for that. In fact I am really grateful for you for just taking the time out and sharing these ideas out here.

    I guess you are right, with regard to karma being a show stopper for people in attaining the truth. However I have read that giving up the doership (ego) , or engaging oneself on the path to truth is the way to dissolve karma as such. And for such a person, the traditional astrological horoscopes fails to predict the course of his life accurately. Probably the effect of Will power in that case I suppose.

    Also, I think, with due respect, its the time to remind you to put up a post on Maya. It's different aspects, and probably how its getting engaged in this Kali Yuga age.

    THanks again,


  8. Thank you Elfie.

    Please pardon my ignorance, I have some (actually many) queries and seek you humble guidance.

    1. I beleive that our religion(Vedas) is not against sex as it says Dharma, artha, kama and moksa are the four purusarthas (goals) of life. I humbly request you to comment on kama and its relevance in our lives.
    2. When I was reading about Hindu symbols, the most controversial one was Linga and Yoni symbol. Some say it represents both form and formless'ness but MANY describe it in a different way. Could you please clarify the actual meaning.

    Also I found that my Varna was Kshathriya and though my partner is from a Brahmin family she's actually a Vaishya (I know, its Kali-Yuga :) ).

    Warm Regards,

  9. Dear Santhip,

    You are very kind - Thank you. but do remember, Words of Wisdom and information from The Veda are not from eLFie.

    They spring forthe from the Universal Mind. And to know them is the universal birthright of every Manushya.

    I am merely the instrument or, perhaps fancifully putting it, a medium.

    And yes, I shall indeed put together a post on Maya. Quite the phenomenon, I might add.

    Warmest regards

  10. Dear Vivi,

    Kama is a primeval life force that refers not just to sexual desire, but the phenomenon of Desire, Want or Hunger itself.

    It is the working principle of the now-famous Law of Attraction.

    It is Desire for a better life that drives many of us - a better life for our offspring, our parents, siblings or countrymen.

    Natural apetite, or hunger for food is also a manifestation of Kama. So is the desire for knowledge - it is yet another manifestation of the principle of Kama.

    Kaama (Desire/The Fire Within) is a principle, and (Consummation of Desire(/Sex?)) Rathi is a manifestation of such a principle - possible the MOST significant amongst ALL creation.

    It's probably no surprise that Kama's wife is Rathi and that they are a prominent couple in many of tales of Divinity in the Puraanas.

    Kama is a function of Maya, and is necessary to drive you towards your Karma...

    If your wife is a Vaishya, and you're a Kshathriya, then I think there is already a lot of positive groundwork laid by The Stars towards your relationship.

    for instance, you'd be inclined to suddenly delve into passionate discourses on the State of your people and Nation. She's probably inclined to patiently listen to your monolog with the occasional question, and finally concluding that to carry out your great ambitions, you probably must have your supper first and ensure you get to bed in time to maintain your health.

    Of course, that is a generalization, and there are many many factors that carve the nature of a relationship amongst the building blocks of the Universe.

    Enjoy your journey into self-discovery. And remember to listen to your wife - her impartial words of wisdom are your blessing in this capitalistic world of the Kali-Yuga - for without her, you would feel incomplete.
