Friday, July 10, 2009

What Next, Fellow Bhaarathas????

Dear All,

I'm going to be very very busy the next few weeks. Please continue with queries/questions with regard to any of the topics so far, or even new topics.

I shall endeavor to answer as many as possible.

Warmest regards


  1. Could you please suggest any readings that explain the nature of the Self, similar to Ashtavakra Samhitha?

  2. Hi
    Thant would be intresting , and useful . Also the the relation to ones health. There is so much mis interpretion all around it would be eagerly anticipated . I guess 4 weeks would be worth the wait


  3. I would love to know more it. I always wondered how to interpret horoscope (since I hardly understood it, I use to joke it as horrorscope :-)

  4. Hi Elfie,

    Thanks for your post.

    I have been moving along the lines of using astrology as a good tool in my own life. ANd I must say, the effects have only been encouraging to foray further into the different aspects of it. I have only been following free sample readings that are out there to be honest :D Some of the websites being,, etc.
    And there are plenty of other astrology stuff from other civilizations like the aztecs Egyptian Celtics etc. So it has been a slight source for confusion as well :)

    Any posts that you think should be a part of your blog, will only aid in the people who read them from your blog.

    Again, Thank you for your words,



  5. I am a regular follower of this blog and have found it very interesting and informative. I would definitely like to see your posts on natal charts.

    Also, regarding the recent developments about article 377, I came across many sites and people saying homosexuality was prevalent in vedic society as well, even to the extent of saying that Krishna and Arjuna were gay; but all these things have not been exposed. Is this true?

  6. Dear Elfie,

    Anything that you write has always and will always be a great pleasure to read, as the UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE is so overwhelming. So please don’t stop even when we do not ask for it.

    Currently I am practicing Kriya Yoga (Shambhavi), when I did it for the first time it was unimaginable/unexplainable experience. To be honest tears started rolling down my cheeks... and I still can’t explain why and how :)
    I really had a deep sense of Gratitude.

    But when I enter into the daily chores of life I tend to get drawn/influenced/drained by Kali :(
    During these confused moments, I read your blog or about Vedas and I am recharged again.
    I understand the importance of staying connected constantly.

    I believe that your next blogs on Natal Chart would really benefit us all, especially to disentangle from Kali’s web.

    With Regards,

  7. yeah sure, awaiting your post/(s) on natal charts. also, if you could please put up a post on the different methods of divination and your take on naadi shastra.

  8. Dear Elfie,
    If men and women were considered as equals then why is it that only men have studied the vedas. are men deemed to be intellectually superior.I have read that many women have authored many of the shlokas in the vedas.
    So what went wrong? was it a case of misinterpretation? even in the present day if you had to come across 'seekers of truth', nore often than not they would be men. I wonder why?

  9. Wow…that was quite a response, I must admit. It’s 4.30am, and I’m going to try and respond to everyone before I head off to work…
    Dear Bharath, The entire Veda is aimed for those who wish to understand/experience the Self. For instance, the Mahabharatha is a treatise on the basic 10,000 characteristics that combine to make all possible personality-types. I’ve elaborated on this in a previous post…try reading from the oldest to the newest, and you may find a lot of helpful information…
    Dear Mei, I shall strive to do this as early as possible. Thank you for your encouraging response 
    Dear Vijay Reddy, in the hands of a newspaper columnist or a J K Rowlings, yes, the horoscope would be a joke indeed. However, in the hands of a mathematician and astrologer, it can eerily reveal present Karma, personal inclinations, sexuality, career prospects, past lives and much more…unfortunately, there is a curse on Jyothishaasthram in this Yuga, on which I shall elaborate in future posts. I think I’ve mentioned this in a previous post as well. I certainly hope you gain from future posts on the matter.
    Dear Santhip, as always, Thank you. I am thrilled that you’re actively looking for information. I may add that it pays to be diligent as to what you allow to influence your mind – after all, the Mind is a powerful tool that Kali would love to control. Cheers.
    Dear Jignasu, I have been an active fighter for Gay rights. I’m South African, and South Africa is one of the few countries that legally recognize gay marriages. While I am a proponent of personal freedom of choice (provided the choice doesn’t impinge on others’ rights and the social system), I must admit that the Gay community will try to prove anything to advocate their cause. Just like the ‘learned’ Islamics suggest that Mohammad was the 10th Avathaar…or like the ‘archaeological evidence’ that suggests that Jesus was an Avathaar, or like the Jewish claim that they’re God’s exclusive people. I personally find this amusing, but I’m pretty sure Arjuna wouldn’t have. And as for Lord Krishna, he was an Avathaar (perhaps you should refer my post on this?) and had 16,000 wives…so yeah, sure, he was gay. One must always rely on diligence as opposed to public opinion when it comes to some things, I feel…and I’d love to hear your views on the matter.
    Dear Vivi, If one person is able to gain insight into Kali/Jesus/Mohammad/Moses’ web of lies, and is able to regain control of his/hers life, I am the happiest person. It’s just a wonderful feeling to know that someone has found a way to recharge when life gets the better hand. Indeed, thoughts are remarkably powerful. Control them, and you can master your emotions – provided you understand your emotional inclinations (where interpreting your horoscope is immensely helpful). As for staying connected constantly, simply remember that you’re connecting with yourSELF, so to speak  All knowledge belongs to the Universe, and it is your birthright…

  10. Dear Ashi, Nadi Shasthra is a discipline in itself. It was originally practiced by those who felt that knowing one’s life was the key to living it. There are also those that prefer to retain the spontaneity of everyday living. It’s a personal choice, I guess. Ashi, if possible, try to make it to Vaideeshwaram. I can vouch for their accuracy, but only those destined to be there will ever set foot in there – so say the ancients. As for the ‘equality’ of men and women, well, I don’t remember claiming that the Veda ever said anything of the sort. Your statement “If men and women were considered as equals…” does not mention who makes this consideration, or on what basis you think only men study Vedas. Since when are men intellectually superior? I do not know, Ashi. Perhaps you can educate me on this. The Veda literally ‘flowed’ from the Universal Mind Brahma, facilitated into physical existence by his Shakthi Saraswathi Devi, and I don’t think any woman had any part in ‘writing’ it – neither did any man, for that matter. The Veda was passed from mind to mind until as recently as 8000 years ago.
    “even in the present day if you had to come across 'seekers of truth', nore often than not they would be men. I wonder why?”
    I’ve come across as many women as men, Ashi, so honestly, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Perhaps you should not just look at men… but of course, that would be a matter of your personal diligence. Knowledge is the birthright of Manushya. Knowledge, The Veda, does not distinguish between the sexes in its application. Maybe you should wonder why…
    No, men and women are not equal. That is why they have different word s to describe them. How could they be equal? If they were, I would happily bear my own child – and not have to see my partner go through the pains associated.
    With different purposes, characteristics, emotional inclinations, energy drives and perceptions, it would be pretty stupid to think that men and women were equal. Do not think, however, that The Veda suggests that men are lower than women socially or vice versa. Vedic society is one where men make way when women pass, and where women are considered the harbingers of prosperity, skills, trade and morality in the land. Vedically, Man is incomplete without woman – the reason being that they ARE different, and have different functions in the social/familial set up. However, it might interest you to know that women are considered the more ‘powerful’ of sexes in The Veda. A woman can destroy the world single-handedly, if she chooses to.
    Suffice to say that I’m glad you do not appear to be a woman of such capabilities. Power in the hands of the ignorant is a dangerous thing – as has been proven by many politicians in the Kali Yuga.
    How relevant do you think it would be if I asked you why, though Christianity is the world’s most popular religion, Vatican City has the highest rate of unsolved murders? See what I mean? Ask questions in the right context. You don’t run the Vatican or support it, so my asking you such questions would be silly. How in the world would I know why it is that YOU seem to see only men who’re interested in knowing more about esoteric subjects?
    As for your question of “So what went wrong?” perhaps you should pay attention to the post on the nature of the Kali Yuga…
    Asking me why popular perception is the way it is without even thinking about it reveals a lot about you. Enough said. May I ask that you go over the Blog, starting from the oldest post and then ask questions of relevance?
    I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability. As I have mentioned elsewhere, on this Blog, albeit my blog, I do not ask anyone to accept anything. I merely present information, and answer related queries the best I can.
    I sense a lot of frustration in your query. Please please please do read some of the older posts. You may find a lot of food for thought, if not anything more.

  11. Elfie, my friend,
    I have angered you, haven’t I? First of all I’d like to tell you that the frustration that you sensed in my query was not frustration after all. It was just a random thought that crossed my mind. However, I apologize for being irresponsible in posing an incomplete question which led to all the misunderstanding in the first place. It was silly of me to have asked you why a popular perception is a popular perception. I mean that’s not your perception. So how would you know. I was merely trying to get your thoughts on it. I just wanted to know if such perception is based on facts.
    But how does it matter? May be the forum was inappropriate. When I metioned the word equality, I did not mean child bearing capabilities or emotions. All I meant was intellectual capabilities( in terms of study of the Vedas). Again this is only popular perception ( or may be not. May be it’s just the perception of the sample size of the population that I interact with). So again you are right in saying why you should answer that? I never mentioned that the Vedas talked about men being superior. I totally agree when you say that power in the hands of an ignorant person is dangerous. But who wants power, my friend? Moreso when you say that a woman can single handedly destroy the whole world. I mean if that’s what power is meant for , I’m happy being powerless. As of today I have neither the ability nor the willingness to be powerful. Before I end, I’d like to profusely thank you for all the effort you are taking in sharing the knowledge that you have acquired and painstakingly answering all the queries( silly or otherwise) and would like to apologize once again for being irresponsible.

  12. Hahaha – Ashi m’dear, you made my evening…
    “It was just a random thought that crossed my mind.”
    Nope…I beg to differ. Nothing is random. Randomness is a mathematical illusion – used even by mathematicians to define that which is not random.
    There’s a pretty good chance that circumstances have suggested to you that you were intellectually inferior because you were a woman. None of my business, I agree. Could have been a brother who didn’t include you in his quests…a father whose recognition never came, a society that focused on the needs and wants of the males mostly. I don’t know…and no, I guess I shouldn’t ask…
    “I apologize for being irresponsible in posing an incomplete question”
    None required. I try to answer questions the best I can. And my answers do not require an apology. I’m thrilled that you did see my point, though.
    “I was merely trying to get your thoughts on it.”
    You might have tried “what do you think of such social perceptions?”
    “…intellectual capabilities( in terms of study of the Vedas)”
    Saraswathi Devi who facilitated the physical manifestation of The Veda is a woman. I doubt if there’s an intellectual difference between males and females. Perceptual, probably…emotional – certainly…but intellectual? I don’t think so (there- that’s my opinion – the last 4 words…!)
    “I never mentioned that the Vedas…”
    This is a forum where The Veda is one of the chief subjects of discussion…remember? Context, m’lady, context. Context implies the inflection.
    “I’m happy being powerless.”
    Again, not my business, but I feel you should power it up all the way. Nothing like feeling your own power to feel yourself. To know who you are…and where you come from. At many levels…
    I’m glad you’re a curious person, because that suggests we’ll have many an interesting chat – I hope :)
    Please do bring out more questions – and we’ll find some answers, I daresay.
    Thank you for the warm response, Ashi…besides making me laugh, you’ve also cheered my evening.
    Warmest regards

  13. Hi,

    I would like to know on basis you said that Krishna was a gay?

    Is it just because he was an avathar that he is gay? I really don’t understand this...

    Could you please elaborate on this?

  14. Hi Anonymous,

    I didn't.

    Perhaps common sense'll help explain how a person with thousands of wives is gay. Just like the Sun is dark, and terrorism is non-existent.

    Please read the comment again, or get a course in the English language.

    Warmest regards

  15. Dear eLFie,

    I am re-reading the blogs and its really facinating that each time I read it, I can perceive it differently/deeply...

    Ok, actually I have question on Karma. Since Kali is needed to live-out our Karma's, I was wondering what will happen to all who live in Kali Yuga when Kali Yuga ends. Will we be reborn in the next Yuga (Satya Yuga) or will we be reborn only in the next Kali yuga?

    Also if we can disslove some Karma in this Kali Yuga will it aid us getting a place in other Yugas? Or being Kali Yuga how can we unbound ourselves from Karma.

    Please shed some light on my queries?

    Thank You,

  16. Hi eLFie

    One day I was searching about Aghori sadhus and happened to see your comments on the other blog. Ever since that blog and your comments I've become a fan of yours.

    Further to that I am extremely happy to know that in this era of mass deceit and wanton brainwashing by Media and Market there are still people out there who know our history and just do not buy the stuff purposely intejected to blind us from the truth. (sounds too much like the Matrix...blind you from the Truth.)

    You know, I am becoming more and more interested in knowing about you.(Just expressing what I feel and I know you are very particular about your privacy and its fine! :)). I mean have you been travelling Bharathaa a lot? I've come across various comments by you mentioning facts like the scriptures in their true form are preserved by select few families in our country and that you found the same text at two different places.Have you dedicated your life to the quest/study of Bharathaa? And even wonder how old you are? My guess is at least 35+, but then again its only a guess. Apologies if you think that I am thinking too much about you but the fact remains that your words are just ELECTRIC. I hope one day this takes a form of a movement, a mass awakening and I live to see that day.

    By the way, my interest in all this started when I was 12. Used to read 'Akand Jyoti' by Gayatri Parivar (hope you've heard of Pt. Ram Sharma). Over the course of time, my life and its events have led me more and more towards seeking what it is all about. I held a strong 'belief' since that age that Vedic holds the true knowledge.

    Oops!! Excuse me....I am telling too much about myself sorry I went off the track.

    So what I want to say that I am so happy that I have hit upon your blog. I have lot of serious questions which I shall like to put here.

    Here is the first one to everyone on this blog. I mean this just made me wonder and can be very well discarded as unimportant but please try to give it a thought for a moment.

    Here is what it is. So 2001 the new millenium (CE) started (yes because there was no 0th year in CE so the millenium effectively changed at 2001 and NOT 2000). Does it not strike that many major geo-political strategic changes happenend in one single year? I mean just try to recall, Royal murders in Nepal, Dec 13th attack,September 11 attack and there were many others.

    My point is, when we know that Mlechhas follow a so to say sort of forced religion, how is it so that these major events have coincided with a millenium change as per their calender?

    Gentlemen/friends please comment. Love the people assembled here!


  17. Sorry missed to type this earlier. In that Aghori wala blog, you mentioned somewhere that you do maintain a private blog which due to its nature of content is very very private. Just a request are you ever going to let others {Like me :)} have access to it.


  18. Dear Vivi,

    you must remember that EACH person has his/her own Karma to finish/catch up with. This is coordinated with social Karma, familial Karma, and so on across the Yugas/throughout the Kalpam.

    The Kriya Yuga/Sathya Yuga will find the world with a much smaller population- possibly those who've nearly finished their Karma and need to move on.

    It's almost impossible to decide what Karma is good, and what is bad.

    For instance, in my own life - a period of Karmic Reward began with a tortuous relationship (I was going around with many beautiful women then, but destiny was unfolding) and an year of unemployment.

    But believe it or not, it ended with me finding my career (money-wise, which is all that matters in the Kali Yuga) and my partner for life (who's everything I've prayed for-she's not Indian by origin, but was a Kanya who waited for me...!!)

    Ironically, I have good memories of periods of Karmic Payback. I still remember my loneliness and thirst for knowledge...but now realize that Karma cannot be classified as good or bad. It's simply Anaadhi.

    To any indignant ladies reading this: I respect women for what they represent in this universe, for who they are, for the joy they bring into men's lives, and for the unique contribution they make to societies and families --- regardless of their sexual orientation/behavior/status/views -- but for a Bhaaratha with my Karma, it'd be disastrous to choose a non-virgin to be the mother of my children.

    My children would be cursed - and this is to do with my familial Karma, amongst other yes, I'm glad she was a virgin, and that she loves me the way only a woman can.

    Vivi...I think I'm deviating from the topic - but you do get the picture- Karma is too complicated to make conjectures... Unless of course, we're thinking from the perspective of The Brahma...

    I'll leave you to chew on that, my noble friend.

    Warmest regards

  19. Dear Elfie,
    I am glad that my response got you to laugh. As far your comment on random thought is concerned, randomness is a concept with disparate meanings in different fields. Besides when I said random thought, I did not actually mean the thought was random. It was a transferred epithet. Also, have a look at the description of your blog below the title SEEK THE TRUTH. You have used the words random thoughts yourself. Did you say Saraswathi Devi was woman? I thought she was divine.Also you said that my question was out of context because the purpose of your blog was priamrily discussions on the Veda.But Elfie, my friend, in that case you should not have titled your blog as SEEK THE TRUTH. because what I asked comes within the purview of the title. Perhaps "the veda" could have been a better title. Also when I said "I'm happy being powerless", it was a conditional statement that meant that IF having power means being able to destroy, THEN , I'm happy being powerless. I did not say I'm happy being powerless in isolation.
    Also, from the last post I wanted to ask you a question, what did you mean when you said that for a person of your karma it'd be disastrous to marry a non-virgin. Trust me , this is no voyeurism. the purpose is merely to understand what your statement means. Also , when you said indignant ladies, if it referred to me , let me tell you that I have great respect for people who have acquired alot of knowldege and are taking pains in sharing it with the others. So trust me, no indignation of any sort.Its just that I like it best when you do the talking (read writing) and I do the listening .
    Thanks very much and looking forward to reading your post on natal charts,

  20. Hi eLFie

    I think I should have directed my question straight away to you.So sir please care to answer my query :)


  21. Hi eLFi

    More questions (Just cant stop myself). Please correct me If I am wrong but I undertand that animals rise from their existence to the level of human beings after many lives. So does it mean that animals have Karmas has well.

    Please throw some light on this my friend.


  22. Dear eLFie,

    I hope you are fine. Its been quite some time and we havent heard from you.
    Guess you are fully loaded with work.


  23. Dear Ashi,

    "...I like it best when you do the talking (read writing) and I do the listening.. "

    Okay, you asked for it ;)

    "...Did you say Saraswathi Devi was woman? I thought she was divine..."

    The entire universe is based on a singular blueprint - PurushaArthha - of course, the inclusion of 'Purusha' in the phrase does NOT imply masculine favoritism. It's more about the fact that us humans are singular representatives of this blueprint. Ergo, even when manifested as a woman, Saraswathi Devi (an entity by origin) merely sybolizes all that is divine. In other words, and simply (read incompletely) put, women are divine - as are men, trees, flowers, breezes, tsunamis and random grizzly bears.

    "...Perhaps "the veda" could have been a better title."

    Perhaps not...such a title would narrow the scope of discussion. here, if you'll read up from the earlier posts, you'll see that in our quest for truth (read "if I'm not the Mind/Body, then who am I? where do I come from? What did I come into physical manifestation for?" etc.) I am the only one who's quoted Vedic principles and concepts. If you have a concept that is otherwise, you're welcome to present it.

    Obviously, I do not put up with "X is the Lord, and he will save you from your sins" and other assorted rubbish. I'd prefer - "well, X said this as per quotes in this book - and the book is validated by this record, and I have experienced such and such a feeling...what are your thoughts on this..."

    "IF having power means being able to destroy, THEN , I'm happy being powerless"

    Hmmm...Happiness and Sadness are simply a double edged sword powered by your mind...and mine, and so forth. The state of mind that the ancients strive for would, in English, be 'Grief-less-ness'. figure it out.

    Also, why would you be happy NOT to be able to destroy unrighteousness, injustice, the unjust, the corrupt? If one must experience happiness, then why not make it the consequence of a righteous action in support of the universe?

    Just a thought. I'm certainly not against your state of mind- as per your choice. At least it's not conditioned by McDonald's version of happiness, or the Church's ridiculous 'sanctity of life' concept, or the Mosque's version of how to kill an animal 'the right way'...

    To compare, in the Vedic view, One does not have a right to kill for food unless desparate (or unless one is of a lower class that cannot distinguish), but yet it is One's duty to kill or be killed when defending one's honor, family, land or righteousness.

    "...from the last post I wanted to ask you a question, what did you mean when you said that for a person of your karma it'd be disastrous to marry a non-virgin."

    Simply (incompletely) put, I meant that were I to marry the wrong person, my children would end up being Mlecchas at best, and at worst, I would end up with a family that would truly live out Kali's dream (Read any Bible - Book of Luke, Chapter 12, Verse 49 onwards).

    To put this into perspective, imagine a lawn mower running out of control...I'm pretty sure most powered mowers would at worst wreck some of your fancy gardening....

    Now, imagine a space shuttle going out of control - the damage'd be way more significant, to say the least.

    The idiot and the genius have the same physiology. One is Karmically stopped from using his potential, and the other is free to choose how he uses his potential.

    Extending that analogy, the idiot is considered innocent if he stabs his nurse with the scalpel, but the genius is guilty of a crime if he even causes harm unintentionally.

    Such is universal justice - the punishment for a crime is directly proportional to the level of consciousness/awarness of the perpetrator.

    Mistakes I make would invite magnified reactions as opposed to a Mlechha's mistakes, or a misguided person's mistakes (read Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Ba'hai etc)

    I hope this helps...again, I do recommend you read up from the older posts - you may find a lot of food for thought.

    Warmest regards

  24. Hi Rohit,

    If this question is with regard to my private blog, then, my apologies on not answering earlier.

    It's just a place for me to vent my thoughts...

    Us men aren't as good at venting in the presence of another human being as women are, I

    It's not a blog where any serious information is put up. Really. hehehe.

    Warmest regards

  25. Dear Rohit,

    "So does it mean that animals have Karmas has well."

    You see, it is not about animals or men or women or Mlechhas or misguided Christians/Muslims etc.

    It's more about individual Consciousness's Karma.

    You'll need to read up on some of the older posts.

    Also, with regards to a previous query about major events coinciding with 'their' calendars, none of these calendars are 'new'. The Lunar calendar was used by most evolved ancient cultures, and Gregorian calendar we use nowadays is based on a primitive Solar calendar the Europeans (read Greeks/Romans) used.

    The Lunar Calendar is of more consequence to us Humans because of the effect the Moon has on our psyche, moods, seasons, tsunamis, women's menstrual cycles, men's fertility cycles, crop cycles - to name a few.

    Warmest regards

  26. Dear Vivi,

    Well, I had to move interstate, to find a place to stay, organize delivery of all my stuff to my new place, get integrated into a new job, remember a lot of new names, worry about both our cars (of course, mine's better than hers - lol) and so on forth.

    So yeah, it's been a busy few weeks. in a few more weeks, I'll completely settle in and organize an internet service. Once that's done, I'll start off on the astrology posts as per my promise.

    Pray all is well with yourself and your loved ones.

    Warmest regards

  27. Hi eLFie

    Looks like you've been busy lately. Anyways, thanks for answering. I've been doing some search lately and have hit upon some links which I feel will help everyone. If you are OK with it here they are for everyone's help [though I understand a lot of people visiting this blog may not be mentally to read the information presented in the below links but still I feel I should share]:

    1. Advaita Vedanta Library [Lots of Upanishads and other Vedantic Texts]

    2. India Divine [Child's play to find this link, but I still feel it has very rich information, especially the Bhavishya Purana which mentions about both Islam and Christianity]


    3. BhaktiVedanta Database


    Hope everyone can refer to these links and gain more insight about the nature of Cosmic Consciousness.

    I know eLFie that this is your area but still if you allow me, I think everyone here should read these two books:

    1. The Autobiography of a Yogi -By Paramhansa Yogananda

    2. The Gospel of Ramakrishna - By 'M'

    I am a seeker at a beginnning stage but I feel that I should share.

    Please comment/allow these links to be shared with others.


  28. Dear Elfie,

    Glad to hear from you.
    I was thinking about all that I have read from many blogs, books, etc; etc; then I realized that no matter what I read or from whom I hear it doesn’t matter until I truly know/experience it. So I feel that ANYTHING without knowing/experiencing would just remain as a belief in me.

    I forgot to say this, I have been initiated by a great master and I have had certain unexplainable experiences. I am really thankful to you for your blogs about the TRUTH changed my perception and ultimately guided me to my beloved GURU.

    As my Guru would say if one realizes that he DOSEN'T KNOW, instead of believing some damn principles (religions) then there is a possibility to seek the TRUTH. But if one becomes rigid about his belief system then this possibility dies within him. One must become a VAST NOTHING or a BIG I DONT KNOW to experience the divine.


  29. HI Elfie,

    Good to hear from you.

    I wanted to ask one question. There is this idea that the universe flows in only one direction. Everything is in a flow. Even when the possibility of multiple futures exist, only the best possibility amongst them is actualized in every moment. Bluntly put, the idea that everything is fate, and there is no free will in the sense of the word. And everything that happens, happens for the good. Would be happy to see your views on this.

    Thanks for your words,


  30. Dear People,

    Apologies on the late reply. I'm still living on email via my phone.

    Rohit, I want to thank you for putting those links up here. I hope everyone benefits from them as you have. I have read the Autobiography myself a long long time ago. Destiny led me to that book...and I hope all its readers are as blessed as I myself am...

    Vivi...the pleasure is all mine :)

    Santhip, does seem like all is set in cement...
    At this point, I must point out that awareness changes the way you react to occurrences in one's life.

    For instance, a fanatic 'hindu' may slaughter a few priests in a church when some christian defiles a holy place...but such a reaction would merely add to that hindu's Karmic ledger. However, the more aware would clean up the defiled land and protect it, rather than kill another human being - after all, in the Kali yuga, one must allow Kali to do what in his stead. The christian's ignorance would not anger the person who is aware... rather, it would give him a chance to apply his awareness.
    Ergo, knowledge helps one control one's reactions and thereby change the future...and this future could be in a few minutes from now.
    Chew on that...and let me know what you think.

    Next Saturday, I shall publish the first post on JyothiShaasthram....
    I hope you all enjoy it.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. My apologies on the delay, people. I've been ill for a few days, and have just gotten back on my feet.

    The new post'll be up over the next hour.

    Rohit, the pleasure's mine, as always :o)
