Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Maya – That which is NOT...

I would be surprised if none of you have already done some research on Maya, and have a few pet theories of your own.

Two words – Well Done!!

Recommended readings -

Ashtavakra Samhitha
Shankaracharya's works - anything you can lay your hands on.

Remember that all translations tend to error. Such is the precision of Samskrth, that concepts when translated, are very hard to grasp. Look at how many words I'll have to use to describe Maya...

So what is this massive illusion we’re talking about? So, if everything (everything?!) is unreal, what is real? How do we define/differentiate between what is real and what is unreal?

Are there various ‘levels’ of Reality? Which part of me is really real?!

Hmmm… if Eashwaran is all about Truth, then why fool us all with an illusion? If the We are ALL the one and the same absolute, then what’re we doing creating our own mini-realities that we call ‘life’? What is the purpose of this apparent illusion?

First, let me clarify something – the Samskrth word ‘Maya’ can only be translated in English as ‘illusion’. BUT – Maya is NOT illusion. Maya is NOT unreal.

Maya is a conscious experience – usually through the mind.

Let me explain with a tale that is the reason the Ashtavakra Samhitha exists.

In the Thretha Yuga, Avathaara Shri Rama’s father-in-law Maharaja Janaka ruled a prosperous kingdom. The people were happy, Dharma was practiced, and the Maharaja felt that he was doing his duty. However, he could not find satisfaction. Regardless, he continued to rule as the virtuous king that he was (remember, it was his virtuous Dharmic nature that caused Bhoomi Devi to choose him as the earthly father of her daughter Seetha Devi, or Janaki – the Daughter of Janaka).

He then had this dream (this is long after the actual war that’s the highlight of most Ramayana translations today) where he was a beggar being chased and abused by villagers. This kind of community based action took place in those days only when the beggar or person involved was considered a danger or threat to the sanctity of the community.

Of course, when he awoke and the dream vanished, he found himself swathed in his silken robes and in the Royal Bed Chamber… and yes, he was relieved.

This kept happening, and naturally, the curious Maharaja brought it to his courtiers’ attention that he wanted to know more about his experience…

If any of you have ever woken up from a dream feeling you were still in the dream, you may remember that every sound, every image, every experience from the dream was as real as the ‘reality’ around you – your body, your bed, your room and the furniture.

Maharaja Janaka’s dream-experience was so strong that he found himself unsure of which was real – his life as a ruler or his life as a menace to society…

The question he put to his courtiers was “which is real?”

Of course, if any of you has read the Samhitha itself, you would know that Ashtavakra answered his question thus “Neither”. If any of you wishes to understand the answer as the Maharaja did, please look for this book – you’ll find many translations of it. In spite of the inadequacy of the English language, I would strongly recommend it as the best description of what Reality is.

Literally translated, Maya is ‘that which is NOT’. In English that doesn’t make much sense. Especially since no one has defined ‘That Which IS’.

An ancient Guru once answered a curious Shishya’s questions with a single phrase. The questions, just like ours, were about reality and the nature of being. “O Teacher, what is it that by knowing which one becomes free of all (Karmic) bondage?”

“ThhuthThvamAsi” – That is What You Are – literally, but in English, it’d be ‘Thou Art That’.

‘That’ here refers to the Absolute – which is pretty much all creation. The Shishya had a fairly good understanding of Karma, and the Laws of the Universe. But it was this singular concept that freed him.

Of course, in the parable of the Ancient Guru, the Shishya did not understand ThhuthThvamAsi. He didn’t have a clue. The Guru took pity on him, and took him in as a student. He asked his eager Shishya to till the fields and take care of the land for 12 years. And then to come back with any questions he had. The steadfast Shishya did so – and 12 years later, got the same answer – ThhuthThvamAsi.

Maya, as a principle, serves two purposes in The System. It hides the true nature of a consciousness from itself, and it can construct an entire ‘reality’ specific to that consciousness.

A Consciousness’ awareness within Maya exists at 3 levels Thamas (Darkness/Ignorance), Rajas (Awakened/in Action), Satthva (Pure Light/Enlightened).

Rishis exist at a Satthva level. They can see ‘through’ Maya, but can also exist within it. Asuras are obviously at the level of Thamas.

Remember, this doesn’t make Rishis ‘good’ or Asuras ‘bad’. Each being has its purpose and appropriate Karmic duties. Even Kali is necessary for without his hatred of human beings, none of us would be able to live out our very worst Karma – we can do so only in the Kali Yuga.

The Mind, whether it belongs to a dog, a man, a woman, a tree, a stone, a river or a building, is an electromagnetic transceiver. This device is designed to both perceive Maya and to contribute to Maya.

Manushya is the being designed to be able to USE the Mind. The being that can evade all the in-between stages and attain Moksha straightaway (though not in the Kali-Yuga).

To be able to use the Mind, however, the Manushya must first know who HE/SHE really is, and must be able to perceive the Mind as an instrument (AshtaangaYogaSoothra is the recommended tool for this – popularly known as Yoga). Everything that the Mind perceives is Maya, but not ALL Maya is perceived by most Minds.

To know Reality, one must transcend the Mind. When one has gone beyond the Mind and experienced Pure Consciousness unhindered by the Mind, then one will know how to differentiate.

Because, then one will truly have experienced the statement ThhuthThvamAsi.

Thhuth – That – refers to everything in the universe. Everything within Maya, and everything without Maya. The Absolute is all that is manifest, and all that is un-manifest at the same time.

The Absolute Being literally ‘dreams’ everything else into existence.

The Dream is neither real nor unreal. It is merely Creation.

Eashwaran – The Absolute Being – Lord Shiva – Lord Vishnu REQUIRES Prakrthi-Lakshmi Devi- Parvathi Devi –Devi MahaaMaya to manifest Creation.

When you, as a consciousness, descend into this Lokem, Shiva Maya (read Devi Parvathi) makes you forget your true nature. You are unable to understand the statement ThhuthThvamAsi. As you descend further into physical existence, you finally reach the ‘body’ that you must inhabit. At this point, the ‘body’ is a baby that has just been born – and a series of events unfolds. Once born, the baby opens its mouth as a reflex action. Precisely at this moment, you – Aathmen – pure consciousness enter that body riding on the Prana that it takes in as its first breath. On cue, Devi Lakshmi rubs Vishnu-Maya on your eyes with love. You forget your previous lives, your Karmic purpose for this life and forget all previous relationships.

This is necessary – I mean, how would you actually have children if you remembered your wife as being your brother many lives ago?

Maya – is everything we perceive through the mind. The only thing that we CANNOT perceive through the mind is our own True Nature. To perceive this, we must go beyond the mind. And ‘I’ am the ONLY Reality.


  1. Namaste Elfie,

    Thanks for your post.

    The only way to break Maya is to transcend the mind ? By stilling the mind ?

    Sounds like Maya is associated with the female dieties ?

    I never took Maya as that which is not. Hmmm. If the world is indeed Maya, what in the world is truth ? How can all the Karmic bondages be broken ? By going closer to the truth ?

    Thanks again,


  2. Dear Santheep,

    I sense a lot of frustration in your post...

    Frustration, I think, from having tried to understand Maya in a logical manner...

    No offense intended to anyone here, but once Sage Narada (the offspring of Lord Brahma, I think) asked Lord Vishnu, with disdain, why Maya was SO powerful - and why silly Manushyas, Asuras and Devas really didn't understand that the Absolute within them was the ONLY real thing, and that all else was merely a reflection on their minds - created by the Universal Mind...

    Lord Vishnu tried to explain it to Narada, but the gentleman simply argued that he'd never be fooled by Maya. Lord Vishnu 'applied' Maya to Narada's being. Immediately for the equivalent of thousands of Human years, Narada was 'reborn' as a low caste man, a girl and so on forth. He blissfully lived out the 'Karma' Lord Vishnu created for him until, when everyone ached with laughter, Narada was brought back to 'his' realm.

    Obviously Narada didn't believe a word of it until he saw for himself what had happened.

    Maya is not associated with any specific sex of deity. Maya is an entity itself - encompassing both sexes.

    May I suggest that you consider thinking in terms of Entities rather than deities? Here's why - any person, phenomenon, expression or entity, when deified with a physical image may be referred to as a deity.

    An entity, on the other hand, is a specific unit that we see as being complete unto itself toward its functionality.

    Also, in regards to your reference to the Truth - There is only ONE Truth, and YOU (Not Santhip-Santhip exists in Maya) are that - ThathhThvumAsi.

    All else is Maya. and no, you do not break Maya - you simply 'see through' it. Matrix-style. And you'll be aware that you're seeing patterns many cannot.

    The more you see the world around you as YOUR own creation (not Santhip's - that's why it won't do your bidding) the more you'll find you understand it.

    As you perceive yourSELF as Truth, your Karmic pathway automatically tends towards quickly finishing your Karma. You may actually notice, in some cases, 'bad' Karma fast-forwarding towards you. But you'll also notice that you don't 'feel' bad about anything or anyone. while this feels a little unusual at first, you'll get used to the detached level of existence.

    You see, the ultimate objective is to finish ALL Karma - there is no 'good' or 'bad' Karma. Our perception/emotions and social standards make it so.

    To 'break' Karmic bondage, one must complete all 'good' and 'bad' Karma.

    It may not happen in a Manushya's lifetime. Hence the cycle of birth-rebirth. but he/she who sees the bigger picture is unlikely to be fazed by the fact.

    How you perceive Maya, how you perceive yourSELF (and realize that all perception is a set of layers upon the cosmic consciousness that YOU are), what you make of your life and how you wake up to each day, Santhip - are factors I have no business commenting on, or making suggestions about.

    However, in the light of being a fellow-seeker, may I suggest you chew on the fact that YOU are NOT Santhip...

    Santhip is the name used to refer to the physical body/mind complex (the body and the Mind are a single unit- literally) you inhabit at the moment to enable existing Karma....

    Your body and mind are merely tools at your disposal. The singular thought of who YOU are changes the way your mind works. It changes the way your emotions roll out.

    Spend time studying Santhip - his emotions, how they are best handled, what he is capable of, what his duties are, what his objective at the moment is, what his long-term goals are...

    I assure you it's time well spent.


    Because you're learning to use your tools effectively, and this means your Karmic progress remains unhindered. Remember - Karmic progress is a multi-lifetime project.

    Warmest regards

  3. Dear ELFIE,

    Thank you again for your words of wisdom.

    You said to Santhip that Karmic progress is a multi-lifetime project, does this mean that our Karmic progress is tracked for each life/re-birth we take and subsequently gets added to each life/rebirth?

    Also recently there are many Yogis emerging in India, like Parmansha Nithananda, Jaggi Sadhguru etc; who claim to be a mystic and have attained Enlightenment. But you said that in Kali Youga we are destined not to attain Moksha. So doses that implies that these Yogis
    didnt attain Enlightenment?

    With Regards and Respect,

  4. dear Vivi,

    As always, I state: the words I may have put together - but the Wisdom is Veda. It belongs to the Universe, and no one has a singular claim to it.

    As for your first question, the answer is yes...I'm pretty sure I've described this in a post - I don't remember in how much detail, though...

    Here goes: when, for eg. I leave this body/mind complex, eLFie, I kind of 'ride' out of eLFie on my last thought. Hence the stress on correct thought. As you might guess, a person who rides on the thought 'Sathyam' is better off than he who takes a ride on 'damn! my steak sucks!!'

    I ride up, helped by Lord Yama - who 'meets' ME (my consciousness=I) and guides it on its blissful journey to Accounting 101.

    In this course, I 'learn' to add and subtract Karma on my Karmic ledger. I formulate the possible balance (new Karma could be created, you see) and how to finish it off best. Priorities are considered (oh man! it's been 300 years since I stole the chocolate from THAT baby called Gandhi, let me make up for it by inventing Belgian chocolate and exporting it to Bhaaratha) and appropriate plans are drawn out. or rather, Plan.

    This Plan is what is known as a Jaathakam (horoscope) by Jyothishyers (Vedic Astrologers).

    And then the 'descent' begins. Vishnu-Maya puts its spell on you---and before I know it I'm entering a brand new body of a baby just born - of course, I enter at the exact moment that the baby takes his/her first breath. My first expression is pure shock and surprise at forgetting everything (past Karma etc.) and being helpless in a body. And I cry...strangely enough, to my new mother and the doctors, this is a good sign ;o)

  5. Vivi,

    Wasn't sure whether I should answer your second question...
    You see, Vivi, a mystic is a western stereotype- someone whom others know little about, and who appears to know a lot of the unknown.
    But for us Bhaarathas, there is no mystery, for we KNOW.
    Those who claim to be helping people are merely following Kali's whims.
    These people may have good intentions, they simply don't understand Kali.
    For instance, Kali warped the word 'Eashwara' and shortened it to Eashhou - in Hebrew/Yiddish/Arabic - anglicized to Jesus- and of course, no one knows the word's real meaning, or it's origin. Then he used the Arabic word for The Being = Allah, and built Islam around that word.
    Did you know that the Arabs were once a very civilized culture with highly democratic and structured societies?
    Mohammad's mother was a widow who was 'taken care of' by society. She had an open curtain at the entrance to her tent, and travelers would stop by for 'refreshments'. Of course, the lady was treated with as much respect as was accorded any other woman, and was provided for dutifully by all the travelers.
    That's why no muslim can name Mohammad's father other than by mentioning him as a traveler. Mohammad, the poor guy, grew up thinking that he was not equal to the others because he didn't have a father to teach him stuff like the other kids (a thought cunningly planted by Kali, of course).
    Mohammad, a rapist and a murderer, finally became the political candidate to deploy the virus known as Islam...
    Now compare this with our 'Yogis' who barely know what the Kali Yuga is...
    If they really wanted a better society, they would educate our people to their true history, to their true heritage, and shame them of their way of life today.
    Don't get me wrong - I'm not in for the 'no more ramp walks -it's against our culture' bullshit.
    Traditionally, in Bhaaratha, women walked with their heads held high. As they did amongst the Arab Bedouins, as they did in the society of the Pahlavis (pre-muslim Iranians) and elsewhere in the middle east.
    Women did not have to cover themselves in shame because they 'tempted' men into 'sin'. The concept of sin never existed; women were always treated like royalty.
    Men stepped aside when women walked by, even if the woman was a courtesan, a court dancer, or someone who worked in the fields.
    Surely, those who followed low-end lifestyles (Society? Governance? what do those words mean? yeah, I just want some wine and some good sex...oh, if you can throw in some food for my kids I'll clear dead bodies and scrub the latrines) were asked not to walk into a Temple sanctified and electromagnetically cleaned by Brahmins etc.
    But considering that they didn't want to, in the first place, it was a good deal.
    In Australia, those who clean latrines and residences are paid the same as those who work in call centers.
    The difference is NOT in the financial advantage, but more in the personal choice of fulfillment.
    ditto with the ancient societies...everyone could have a good lifestyle.
    'Status' lay more in the attainment of knowledge and learning. Even the lowest citizen could comment on the King's life - and the King would take it very seriously, as was his Dharma...
    Here's a little experiment for you: ask one of these Yogis to explain the Kali Yuga, or Karma, or one of these concepts...and if you're not satisfied with their answers, ask a few more questions - and from the way they answer your questions, and their attitude, you will know whether they are true seekers or not.
    Perhaps I'm prejudiced, but I think many of them are just politicians like Mohammad, Moses, Gauthama or Jesus.
    What do you think? At the end of the day, you must think this out yourself, shouldn't you?
    All I have put forth here is an part of a discussion.
    I do not ask you to take anything I say for granted - for I'm only another Manushya like yourself.
    Instead, try out that experiment...ask a few Yogis some interesting questions.
    Keep me posted -
    Warmest regards

  6. Thank You Elfie, thank you.

    I too sensed some monetary/political intentions in their services. I felt, based on what I know, that it was not complete.

    As you said finally, I have to decide this(not only this but ALL) myself.

    I have just started my journey to seek the TRUTH. And of-course companions like you, are always a great pleasure to 'walk' along with.

    With regards,

  7. Namaste Elfie,

    First of all, thank you for your post. Was very enlightening, and as always was filled with intellectual clarity.

    Yes. I have been struggling with the idea of Maya. Or to be more precise, the idea that one creates one's own individual world is created by oneself, including all the good things AND the bad things such as accidents. There were moments, when I did sense frustration with this thought. However, I guess I was heading in the wrong direction. Instead of being the awareness that I am. I am grateful, and thankful from the depth of my heart for your kind words, and counsel.

    You seem to know more technicalities regarding Lakshmi Maya, Parvati Maya etc. These entities, as per what you have said doesn't make sense to me. Parvati, and Lakshmi being well known deities, I assumed that they were related to the corresponding female deities. Kindly correct me if I am wrong.

    I happened to have read a piece on Ashtavakra, as was instructed to him by his Dad. I never read the piece of the dialogue between Janaka and Ashtavakra. I think I have come across this in one of the upanishad, I was browsing through in a Public Library when I was a kid. The one major dialogue which stood out was that: "IF I AM TELLING THE TRUTH, MAY YOUR HEAD BLOW INTO A THOUSAND PIECES", and the heads of the fake rishis were blown out into a 1000 pieces.. as was quoted in the upanishads :D Perhaps the graphic was remembered more than the indepth ideas, thanks to my 7th standard brain I used at that time.

    I have seen the videos of Sree Paramahamsa Nityananda. If there is anyone whom I can call enlightened for sure, it is him. From his words, and the ideas he propogates( which was my initial source of knowledge of the deep heritage based in truth, the heritage of a Bharatha we share, and which you are trying to share with us Elfie ) it can be clearly made out that he has touched the ultimate knowledge. In fact he once mentioned in one of his youtube videos that, all our Sastras are necessary for the intellectually minded persons, just like the way the bhakthi scriptures are useful for the emotionally minded persons to attain oneness with the ultimate consciousness. One cannot just let go of all the Vedas, and follow mere Bhakti Path for example. Each of the Vedic Scriptures of our Vedic Heritage, only points to the truth that we are the awareness. The things which he says is similar to what you are trying to intellectually clarify us.

    I am actually surprised that Vivi brought out his name. If ever I am freed of Karma in this life, I would have subjected myself to his feet, of course , if the circumstances are created so ( which is where the frustration emerged from .. I was trying to be too logical.. For the infinite , as you say Elfie, cannot be achieved by thoughts .. only by Knowing can anything be achieved )

    But I must admit, he did say that Buddha produced more enlightened beings than any other guru. He never talked about Kali Yuga though, in the youtube videos I have seen. His videos are available in a channel by the name Life Bliss foundation.

    Another enlightened being, realized guru, said that we are transitioning towards Satya Yuga, just like Yukteshwar, who is the guru of the Paramahamsa Yogananda, of the auto bio of yogi fame. I think it must be a miniature Satya Yuga, within the greater Kali Yuga, from the stuff I have read from the net, which would fit whatever you have said as of now.

    I wish to express thanks for your words again Elfie.



  8. Dear Santhip,

    The pleasure's all mine, my friend.

    "regarding Lakshmi Maya, Parvati Maya"

    Hmmm...well, Devi Lakshmi helps Lord Vishnu by carrying out certain parts of his duty. She symbolically blesses a Consciousness as it descends to Bhoomi, thereby applying Maya on that Consciousness.

    All the Shakthis (Feminine partners of Brahma, Shiva & Vishnu) are symbolic of Prakrthi. Prakrthi manifests as Maya.

    So, if you'll read back, you'll see that I wasn't talking about Lakshmi Maya or Parvathi Maya...

    It's Visnnu Maya and Shiva Maya 'applied' by Devi's Lakshmi & Parvathi respectively...

    I'll certainly take your cue and watch Sree Paramahamsa Nityananda on YouTube.

    However, at this point, I'd say that someone who separates the Shasthras and Bhakthi is misinforming you.

    Vedic Shasthra says that there are many paths to fulfilling one's Karma.
    These paths are listed in the AshtaangaYogaSoothra...

    so you have Bhakthi Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga etc.

    It's all in the SAME scripture, not different scriptures...

    Remember, until Kali fooled humans, the Puranas, the MahaBhaaratha etc. were all one single Scripture - The Veda.

    Also remember, the words may be mine, but the wisdom is your birthright - It is The Veda, and belongs to All Creation.

    Warmest regards

  9. Dear Vivi,

    As always, I'll only say - don't take my word for anything...for all you know, some of these people may really be sending out the right message.

    As a matter of fact, since two of you have mentioned Sree Paramahamsa Nityananda, I'm actually going to check it out on YouTube.

    Always absorb what strikes you as being the truth.

    Subject everything to an impartial analysis...

    of course, in many cases you'll find the strangest of things to be actually true.

    It is, indeed, my pleasure to be your wayward companion in our trek to seek the truth.

    Warmest regards

  10. Hi
    Lovely post. There are a couple of experiences I would love to share…
    During my childhood, in my village one day as I was taking a leak in the open , I happened to notice an anthill close to my line of fire… as curiosity took the better of me I took a shot at the anthill. Then a thought struck me what would the ants be thinking right now…that they are in the midst of a down pour …or there has been a natural calamity…
    And what if I come back again to the same spot and take a leak two morrow the same time….what really is their perception of this world …do they realize that there are different and higher (so we say) life forms …as ants also live in colonies and live in a social system… how different this world is with respect to what their perception would be….so are their many more such levels above us to…have we realized the truth or are we in the midst of one such layer of MAYA. That day on my out look of the world around me has changed.
    I guess the truth is all around us awaiting our awareness….but we are gleefully lost in the hi of MAYA. As we do not want to realize the truth, we justify that it is soooo high and a complex phenomenon that only a mystic can realize this. And the so called mystics of today fully capitalize this to their advantage.
    And we fellow Bharath’s have a peculiar trait, I am not sure if it is genetic or due to social conditioning , we never want to emulate a “Ramakrishna” ,Vallalar” etc we just make them Gods and fall at their feet ,then on our job is done, we can get back to the world we are stuck in. That’s why we revere them never to follow their footsteps.
    Of the mystics mentioned here I have been closely associated with one. My experiences from that phase of my life have transformed me a lot. It changed my perspective of life, world etc, I did pay a price though to realize that layer of MAYA.
    What I say are from my own personal experiences not from hearsay. I was involved from its infant stage up to its transformation of an MNC. I have no regrets or complaints, though I realized it was not worth my time. These are purely my own views only . It is for each of you to discover the truth. Most of the mystics dish out rehash of OSHO. You can check OSHO’s “Book of secrets” . Check this link
    I guess as eLFie said in a previous post , the Vedas have been written down only in this Yuga. I guess it was not done randomly , I guess it was done as in this Yuga the people who were supposed to transmit it would be of similarly low Karma and in MAYA’s Midst even their intention would not impeccable…
    The idea is to make you comfortable in this MAYA so the others can profit from it.
    I am not sure I have communicated my exact feelings…I surely have tried my best.

  11. Namaste Elfie,

    Thank you for your words.

    As always, you force me to be very very precise with my words, and blow the horn loud, whenever I am not :)

    Yes.. you are right about Veda, being the source of Karma yoga path, and bhakthi yoga path and probably the shastras. But I wasn't aware that one would associate the puranas with Vedas. I thought puranas were separate set of scriptures from that of Vedas. Or are you referring to the fact that the whole tradition of Bharatha( which would then include all the "scriptures" such as Puranas , Shastras etc ) is based on the vedas. I have never heard the Puranas being equated to Vedas.

    Seeing the videos of Sree Paramahamsa Nityananda will only deepen your understanding of Bharatha I believe. It will surely enlighten you, for I am firmly convinced that he is a living enlightened being.
    There is a playlist in his channel by the name "breakthrough" discourses". That would definitely ring more than a bell for you Elfie. :)

    Once again, I am thankful for your words, and for your post :)

    Thank you,


  12. Dear Mei,

    My sincere apologies on the delayed reply. I have been emotionally involved with the people of Iran in their fight against Islam in their once-holy land (which was part of Bhaaratha 20,000 years ago.)
    Your comment made my day. Since I read it an hour ago, I've been walking on air - simply happy at the thought that you had such an innate experience, and have chosen to share it with us...


    Warmest regards

  13. Dear Santhip,

    As part of our discussion, at various points, I remember stressing that the separation of the Puranas, the MahaaBhaaratha, The Ramayana, the 4 Vedas, AhstaangaYogaSoothra, Ayurveda, even KalariPayattu etc. are all a result of the Kali Yuga.

    All these together were once The Veda - as simple as that.

    Separation/Division is one of Kali's basic goals.

    I'm glad you've found words of wisdom on YouTube.

    Believe this or not, I haven't had a chance to search for videos on YouTube so far.

    I've been really tied up with campaigns for the people of Iran.

    They've pretty much had it with the Islamic Regime - and as you well know, I'm always involved, even if only emotionally, with a struggle for Justice...

    As a matter of fact, I've been considering putting up a post on their struggle?

    What does it have to do with our discussion...?

    Here's what - the post'll provide insight into psychological/political methods used by politico-religious governments to control their prisoners/people.

    It's been done in India - by the pro-muslim Gandhi/Nehru regime. With the influx of Sonja Maino, Christianity has been given a massive boost...

    It's done in Malaysia and Indonesia, which were traditional Vedic societies once. There're so many Hindu temples in Malaysia that they're still in the process of destroying them. lol.

    Bali was bombed because it's a 'Hindu' island in an Islamic nation.

    And while I love fellow humans as a rule, Narendra Modi's a hero to me- he realized that the only way to bring peace to his land and relieve it from consistent Islamic torture was to let a few heads roll.

    Yes, sometimes, when justice is meted out, it looks like many innocents have been caught in the crossfire...but then, such is the nature of Maya. One must, as a Statesman, do what is right for the state and its heritage...and not be swayed by emotional mood-swings.

    Tomorrow, if the people of The Vatican protest against the Pope's regime that makes the Vatican a nation with the highest unsolved murder rate, I will suppport them - though that's quite unlikely - those poor people have been hypnotized into thinking that he's actually doing them a favor by being the Head of Christian Terrorism. In fact, he's so good that most people associate christianity with

    Anyways, I'd better move- have a remarkably long day today.

    I would be honored if you were to pass on your opinions on Shree Paramahamsa Nityananda's views here...

    Warmest regards

  14. Dear Elfie,
    I just chanced upon your blog a couple of days back and have been hooked since then. I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for all the knowledge that you have shared.
    In one of your posts you mentioned that the Buddhists are a bunch of people misled by a documented idiot. I was wondering what made you say that. And by the way- no, I am not Buddhist . Not that it matters
    Thanks again

  15. Dear Ashima,

    Knowledge belongs to the Universe.

    In answer to your question, Gauthama was a Vedic (or Hindu, if you prefer it) King who deserted his duties, kingdom, wife and child because he couldn't face everyday life.

    Misery and suffering saddened him, and he walked around the land for a bit and claimed he'd found Nirvana, and attained Moksha. It's a technical impossibility for anyone to attain Moksha in the Kali Yuga.

    You'll have to read earlier posts to figure out why...

    Essentially, he lied, either intentionally or unintentionally, and has misled an entire generation of fashionable Asians, I think.

    Coming from a royal family, he's the last person who should have fallen prey to stupidity.

    I hope this answers your question...

    Feel free to put up your thoughts on the posts here - I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.

    Warmest regards

  16. Dear Elfie,

    Thanks for your posts. I haven't been able to catch up your replies to the comments. But it is interesting to know of your Iranian involvement.

    Yes, a post on Iran would be fabulous. Especially in painting a different picture of the whole situation. It would be an interesting aside to know the voice of the Iranian side of things. It should also be interesting to see the political under currents, and the irresistible parallel which you see in the Indian Context, which I must admit as many others would honestly agree, is one of the most unique and strong points you assert in all your previous posts. :)

    I believe that Narendra Modi is a great leader, who has transformed Gujarat in a lot of good ways. Villages getting more roads electricity etc. However I do not agree to direct violence being used as a way of handling things, unless the situation is drastic leaving no other options. I donot know the reality of what happened it Guj riots though. However I condemn the unnecessary violence, especially for a heritage in which non-violence is the most first and foremost Yama to be followed.

    Yes. Vatican people have a lot of things going on. I have come across testimonies, which say that they have their own secret service, and has been engaged in hiding a lot of stuff in the archives there, stuff which if revealed to the world, would make Da Vinci Code the least thing to be bothered about. In fact, what is more shocking was the fact that many wanted Nazi War Criminals ended up being Vatican Priests across South America !!! ( which of course means that the Vatican helped them in escaping from Germany when US attacked it ). There are claims which say that Nazis have had a strong presence in that continent.

    Well, Sree Paramahamsa Nityananda's views on Yuga, and Buddha are radically different from what you say. In one of the videos, he said that, Everybody creates their own Kali Yuga/Satya Yuga/Treta Yuga/or the other yuga by themselves at that moment itself. He backed this with his own authority. I think what he was hinting at here, was that each of us are the absolute at the core, and are capable of creating our own time, after realization of the truth.

    With regard to Buddha, he said that Buddha was the master who have created far more enlightened beings on planet Earth than any other master. Buddhism as we know today, which has been severed a lot by its dogmas not suitable for everyone for their own respective individual paths, isn't the end product which had been visualized by Siddhartha or Buddha. But is the result of his long chain of disciples. Fundamental truths which are present in Buddhism ( or in any other unique isms in that regard) may have been the reason behind the emergence of true zen or koan masters. But the different dogmas present in it today, especially towards females ( who are equal with men in vedic heritage), may cloud the eyes of a person from the truth it could share.

    I feel honored to know a person who has been involved in Iranian movement out there, and would be appreciative if further light were thrown upon this. :)

    Thanks again for your words,


  17. Dear Elfie,

    Thanks for taking the time to write this fairly enlightening blog. I put to you a question on "Maya" - If I am Parabrahman (and am absolute, not just a mere part of the absolute) and the only reason I dont know that is because of Maya, does that mean Parabrahman is subject to Maya and does that then make Maya superior to Parabrahman?


  18. Dear Srikanth,

    Once The Being separates into billions of Athmans, Maya is already in action. Every Athman thinks it is unique and separate from others...

    This is slightly above the level of Shiva Maya - by the time we are manifest as Manushya, or another animal, we are amidst Vishnu Maya

    The reality is that there is no difference between The Being, Parabrahmam, Manushya, microorganisms, plants etc.

    Maya is not about superiority, nor is Maya our enemy - Maya is a consequence of desire at the Athman level right at the beginning of the outermost cycle - at the point where Devi Mahaakaali and Shri SadaShivam are manifest. They are also Maya, you see?
