Sunday, April 10, 2011

Economics 101

Recently, on the times of India website, I responded to a fellow-Bhaarathas frustrated comment. That got me thinking... here's why - the article was about the rate of food inflaton coming down due to the massive surplus of food produced by The Holy Land.l The frustration of the other commentator i.e. Navneet from Pune, and responses from the rest of us (I'm EconomicIndian) are on this page: I was wondering - is it a good idea to take a look at Indian Economics, World economics, and how we got fucked in the deal? (pardon me french!) Let me know... and I reckon we'll have a great discussion here! Bhaarath Maatha kee Jai!!


  1. Where were u all these days man :) No more discussions on Spirituality?

  2. Dear RJ,

    I do all sorts of things including teaching children for free - I do realise my attendance here has was rather sporadic. To answer your question, in this case, I was doing something I'm usually paid for - i.e. preparing an architecture and associated artefacts towards reengineering an RQM process in an enterprise SDLC (pardon me French! but that's the only way I can explain it) for the Oz Federal Govt.

    I take it you did enjoy our journey through time and our heritage and our quest for Knowledge (Veda). And believe me you - I'm just plain thrilled to hear your question.

    What topics we take on next, I think, should be decided by all of you readers.

    Given the impending financial crisis (yep, the GFC was the tip of the iceberg), I thought it might be of relevance.

    In my world, helping my fellow men understand what their 'leaders' have done to them by condemning them to their current lifestyles - is a spiritual experience.

    For me, to see the people of my land rise against injustice is a spiritual experience.

    The economic rape our land has undergone AFTER independence is astounding. And most of it has happened because my fellow countrymen were unaware of what was happening.

    ...and hence my suggestion of the topic =)

    However, I'd like to hear from others as to what they'd like to discuss - what spiritual topic would you like to discuss, RJ?

  3. Hello All,

    The question goes for all of you - what would you like to discuss?

    Please let me know - I'll be back here close to the end of this month.

    Till then, I'll be on the road - need a bit of a solo road trip to straighten out me head!

  4. Hi elfie,
    Wud luv to know ur opinions on the likes of shiv sena, bajrang dal an all as the protecters/saviours of our (vedic/indian) culture. Pls also define the word.

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  8. Hi r0h!t,

    You're a prolific contributor, and it is very unlikely that I've not published any of your comments.

    I do apologise though - I didn't realise this thing had a spam folder until recently. Do you have a draft of your comment?

    If so, please put it through, and I'll publish it immediately.

    I hope all of you readers realise that I hardly edit comments except for details such as email addresses etc. -- though you may not realise this, it is NOT safe to provide such information in a public blog.

    Warmest regards

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi
    It really been a looooong time. Indian Economics a great topic , somethin that affects all of un on a 24x7 basis yet so little of the fundamentals understod.
    Looking forward to a great discussion

  11. Nice to see your post eLFie, more discussion on the state of economy and where we are headed is much appreciated. Logically I see ourselves going the China-land way with more urbanization and I see ourselves producing more goods for others.
    What ever state we are in, we are to be blamed and no one else. We keep voting back these jokers, surely we deserve what they have to offer (or loot).

    While all the patriotic economists know that an internal consumption based economy is best, our mentality of pleasing foreign nations and the craziness of foreign goods is to be blamed...I cant believe this new generation also has this passed on(must be in genetics)

    While I know in global economy there are gives and takes, what we give and what we take is completely one sided...again we are to be blamed for our voting skills and our timid and non confrontational nature.

    Please let me know your thoughts...I am clearly frustrated.

    -vijay reddy

    1. Dear Vijay,

      if all goes well, I may be able to put some info on economics in a post soon.

      I feel your frustration, and am glad that you are looking at different ways of finding answers instead of venting your frustration on yourself.

      Hopefully, you'll find a new post on this blog soon.

      Thank you for your kind words,

  12. Dear Mei,

    thrilled to hear from you again. I'm working on the Economics 101 post, and will change the main post text to confirm the future post tonight.

    Warmest regards

  13. Dear Vijay Reddy,

    How I wish there were more like you...

    the sad truth is that what we humans value and prioritise depends on which rung of Maslow's Pyramid we exist at.

    I shall try and explain in my actual post on economics.

    May we see more seekers of the Truth like yourself, in the meantime, I pray.

    Warmest regards

  14. Dear roh!t,

    I did debate on whether I should mail you or not. But believe me when I say that such communications would put your life in danger.

    Not a good idea, I'd say. Is it possible for me to call you on a fixed line number or a cellular phone in India?

    If not, I understand, and if yes, as usual, your response will not be published =)

    Warmest regards

  15. Dear RJ,

    Are you mad at me? I did not mean to offend you, brother.

    There is a pretty good chance you'll find the upcoming post rather interesting...

    Hope to hear from you again.

    Warmest regards

  16. Not at all Elfie! I am sorry.. I am a masters student and with the sudden rush of exams and the overwhelming relief that follows, I quite forgot to keep up with a lot of stuff including this :) Looking forward, to see more thought provoking news from you. But for me, I am more into the spiritual side.


    ^^take a look over that lol.we can hear something more on that from elfy??

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  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi eLFie, I am inexplicably overwhelmed by the posts and knowledge you share, please add me to your blog, it had such experience in Veda /Geetha class conducted in Kaladi(kerala) long back in 1998.

  21. Hello Elfie,
    I had been reading your blog for quite sometime now! I found it really interesting and It often makes me want to know more! I had just read a post of yours talking about Nehru and Gandhi's muslim background! I would really appreciate if you could help me with some resources where I can read about it more!


  22. he elfie did you hear about the vaimanik shastra, heard lot of experiment's were going on in himalya's,on base of this shastra it is to be said that some kind of ufo also found over there but government is saying antigravity experiment's are going on there. what you think
    you can also visit it

  23. Are there any newer posts from you Elfie ? I keep coming back here but don't see anything, and nor do I see anything from any of your other followers. Mind you I only discovered this blog a few month ago, so am relatively new. Looking forward to reading more.
